Affiliate Partnership Program

Who is the FeedBlitz Partnership Program For?

Affiliate Marketers, Agencies and Virtual Assistants

Our partner program offers you recurring revenue, paid to you in cold, hard cash. No store credits, chips, bananas or monopoly money. The real deal. Paid to you.

Qualified affiliate partners get links, banners and more to encourage subscribers to start trials; no programming required. You can tune multiple offers to test against your market, define time-limited specials and even offer discounts.

Plus, with commissions rising to 40% for larger accounts, you get the chance to build up a sizable recurring revenue stream.

If you’re an agency, marketing consultant or virtual assistant, you’ll appreciate our client management tools that enable you to easily add and manage your clients’ accounts here at FeedBlitz.

Finally, unlike other contact email marketing services, FeedBlitz typically operates on a “set and forget” basis. You’ll be able to handle many more clients with FeedBlitz (as well as earning a greater revenue share per client), because each individual client will typically take less of your time to handle. This means greater financial upside for you, especially if you’re a VA and you work on a retainer basis with your clients.

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Service Providers

Differentiate your offerings and earn incremental revenues from your clients with this program. Trivial to implement – a single API call sets up your customer’s account, RSS stats tracking and automated mailings – you can quickly differentiate your offerings from the competition and start earning up to 40% on a recurring revenue basis.

With this program you can add email services to your client’s hosting packages, blogs or web sites in a single step and let FeedBlitz handle the heavy lifing, bandwidth, deliverability and subscriber management.

Email our technical support team for information on how to get started.

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What are the Goals of the FeedBlitz Partnership Program?

Our goal is to strengthen the relationships you have with your network by building successful, long-term automated marketing programs for your network powered by FeedBlitz. We want to deliver the value, time savings and success we are known for to your network, month after month. By paying a recurring revenue share to you we want you work with your referrals long-term so that they can be increasingly committed, successful, referenceable customers, month after month. So you can continue to earn your share from us, month after month.

We believe that referring your network to FeedBlitz is your vote of confidence in us; but we also want you to nurture your network’s ongoing use of FeedBlitz in order to make each referral a success. This approach brings independent revenue opportunities for you, above and beyond your FeedBlitz revenue share, such as the potential for additional billable hours, SEO and other consulting, template design work and more.

In other words, we think the best approach is in recognizing, rewarding and strengthening your relationship with your network.

How much can I make?

There are no limits to your revenue potential.

You will earn your revenue share every month while the referral’s account is in good standing. The more referrals you bring us, the more you can earn over time. The larger the client you bring in, the more you can earn because of FeedBlitz’s tiered pricing structure AND because the commission is greater with larger clients.

In short, if you bring us the client and we get paid, you get paid.

What are the commission rates?

Billed Amount Tier 1
Tier 2
Super Affiliate
< $5.00 10% 5%
$5.00 – $19.99 20% 5%
$20.00-$99.99 30% 10%
> $100.00 40% 10%

So, for example, if in one billing cycle you had three clients you brought to us, and the billed amounts to each client were $4, $24 and $120 your commission would be 40c (10% of $4) plus $7.20 (30% of $24) plus $48 (40% of $120) for a total commission of $55.60 that month.

Better yet, if a client you recruit becomes an affiliate themselves, you receive commission on sales referred to us by that client. These are super affiliate (tier 2) earnings for you. So, if your client becomes an affiliate and they then bring FeedBlitz a customer with a monthly bill of $25, your client earns $7.50 in tier 1 affiliate commissions (30% of $25), and you earn $2.50 (super affiliate commission: 10% of $25). This is in addition to your affiliate commission that you earn from your client on a tier 1 affiliate basis.

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How does it work?

Service provider partners integrate FeedBlitz into their client sites (it’s easy, just a single URL does the job); otherwise you promote FeedBlitz to your network. The best approach mixes passive promotions, such as advertising (on your own sites or through ad networks such as Google’s AdWords), banners etc., with active marketing you make to your network, such as video promotions, webcasts, opted in email messaging, local seminars and phone calls. We are happy to work with you on promotions in marketing, including working with you and presenting on webcasts, presentations, conference calls and podcasts as and when appropriate.

When a new publisher signs up for FeedBlitz thanks to your efforts (there are a number of ways we enable and track that), you will be credited with a share of their future monthly service fee revenues as long as their account is in good standing.

Our revenue share rates start at 10% and go as high as 40% on all monthly fees earned, depending on the amount billed. The more you bring in and the longer your clients stay with us, the better the rate becomes.

How are referrals tracked?

We use a variety of techniques to ensure that you get full and proper credit for your referrals. These include (but are not limited to) cookies, special offer promotion codes, and custom landing pages. Service providers have a unique API to track their customers. Your links, buttons and banners page has much more information to enable you to craft the tracking mechanism that works best for you.

In the event that a new subscriber has visited multiple partners en route to signing up, the offer code and / or custom landing page used will identify the correct partner to be credited when they fund their account. If FeedBlitz has to fall back to cookie tracking, the most recent partner visited will win the referral.

What are the partner program benefits?

  • Recurring revenue for you for very little effort (if you want it that way) once the customer has joined FeedBlitz;
  • Discounts on FeedBlitz premium fees for your account corresponding to your current partnership level;
  • Free entry in an upcoming FeedBlitz partner directory;
  • Direct marketing support as well as mentions online in blogs, on Twitter etc.;
  • Executive-level contacts at FeedBlitz.

Do I have to disclose my affiliate relationship?

Under new US FTC rules, yes. You should disclose on your site that you use affiliate links and that you may benefit financially if a visitor uses links we provide to sign up for an account. This mandated transparency is a Good Thing, as it helps build trust and respect between you and your network.

In addition, to minimize confusion and any potential disclosure risk, when a visitor is referred to FeedBlitz and makes a purchase using your codes, we will present a pro forma FTC disclosure as they confirm their payment information.

Will I be paid for past referrals?

No, only new clients you bring in after you join the program qualify for the revenue share. Clients count as “new” if they are brand new to FeedBlitz, or have not had an active account with us for over 6 months.

Attempts to “flip” an account or otherwise game the system in order to earn revenue share will result in the termination of your entire account without refund and the forfeit of your account balance and any scheduled payments. This penalty will be applied to all forms of partner program and account misuse and will be strictly enforced without hesitation. “Gaming the system” includes beung your own affiliate; you may not use the affiliate program on your own account.

How do I join?

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Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the partnership program only. They are in addition to FeedBlitz’s standard T&C’s here.


Eligibility is at FeedBlitz’s sole discretion. FeedBlitz may review your eligibility and continued participation (or not) at any time.


You can be a member of any other vendor’s affiliate program – your participation does not restrict your ability to earn revenues from other programs.

However, you may NOT use FeedBlitz affiliate partnership links in content (online, email, broadcast, video, audio, print etc) promoting other email marketing services, regardless of whether you are in their affiliate programs or not. If you are not sure about whether a given program, product or service is competitive with FeedBlitz please don’t hesitate to ask us via technical support.

In other words, in each user interaction involving FeedBlitz partner programs there must not be any competitive programs, products or services available to the user in that interaction.


In joining the program, you agree to these terms and you commit to working towards the program goals. In return, FeedBlitz will where possible support you in your efforts. FeedBlitz will however review your continued participation in the program if no new referrals have been made in a six month period, or if your referral lifetimes as paying FeedBlitz clients seem to be unusually small or show persistent patterns of anomalous behavior.

Abuse and misuse

FeedBlitz only works with ethical and responsible partners. Obviously, that includes you, but for the record we will not tolerate partners spamming, abusing or misleading prospects into joining FeedBlitz. Unethical (FeedBlitz’s view is the only one that counts for this), illegal and any other practice FeedBlitz deems to be improper will result in the immediate termination of your account without refund, and the forfeit of your account balance and any future scheduled payments to you. Our decision on such matters is final. Your use of the program and its links indicates your acceptance of these terms.

Misue includes, but is not limited to, using the affiliate program to effectively discount fees that you yourself pay to FeedBlitz. You may not use the affiliate program on your own account.

Bluntly, if you spam, cheat, lie or otherwise try to game the program or the people you refer it’s over. And we keep the money.


As long as your FeedBlitz account is active, in good standing, and you are part of the partner program, your partnership account will be credited with the appropriate revenue share when FeedBlitz gets paid. Once your affiliate earnings exceed USD $25.00 at month end we will schedule a payment for 45 days later (the delay is to take into account any potential refunds that may occur during that period).

We send you money via PayPal. We must have your tax identification information in your profile for payment to take place, otherwise we will hold it for you until the information is added.

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You can stop at any time. If necessary, you can request that we release you from any future revenue shares from referred clients.

Should your FeedBlitz account be suspended or closed for any reason, including non-payment and the expiration of any applicable grace period, your partnership participation will be automatically revoked and your account balance forfeited, along with any pending scheduled payments. Your link to your referrals will also be broken when your account is closed, so that should your account be later re-opened and your participation in the program renewed, you will not receive further credit for accounts that were brought to FeedBlitz as a partner before your account was terminated. i.e. Account closure wipes the slate clean.