Are You Wasting your Blog’s Most Precious Resource?

Don’t miss out on the easiest, fastest and most under-rated way to grow your blogging business.

I’ve seen it happen too many times to mention.

Over the years I’ve found great blogs, fascinating people, and amazing content. But far, far too many were missing out on easy wins to help make a little extra money for their families, promote their businesses or grow their cause. Simply because they were neglecting their email lists.

You too?

Thanks to plugins, widgets and social media technology, tens of thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands – of bloggers, just like you, have become accidental email marketers. While obsessing about SEO, poring over Google Analytics, agonizing over what to write next, email subscriptions have become a casual “put the form over there” checkbox item and then forgotten.

Which is a shame. Your email subscribers are, in fact, your greatest fans and probably your most under-valued resource. By not paying attention to them – by staying an accidental email marketer – you’re missing out on increased page views, increased revenues and increased engagement.

The problem is that tools that make it easy for us to blog – themes, plugins and templates – simply make it all too easy to neglect this vital opportunity.

Been there, done that.

Phil Hollows, author of List Building for Bloggers, and Founder / CEO of blog to email service FeedBlitzI know – you don’t have the time. You’re not an email expert. Yet the blogging superstars we all follow have lists numbering in the tens and hundreds of thousands. What’s their secret?

Wouldn’t you like to know?

I’m a blogger too; I started in 2003. I know how it is; I made all the mistakes. I learned the hard way. But my business, FeedBlitz, happens to be an email service, for bloggers. I do this for a living.

So now I can help you avoid the rookie mistakes and casual errors that are limiting your blog’s potential, stifling its growth and costing you money. With this book, you can learn in days what it took me years to figure out by trial and error.

List Building for Bloggers – Proven Email Strategies that Build your Audience, Increase Engagement and Grow your Income

So this is it. After eight years combining blogging and email marketing, I’ve taken these lessons and created List Building for Bloggers. A book that, in just ten days, can transform your blog’s potential.

Proven Email Strategies that Build your Audience, Increase Engagement and Grow your Income

Here’s what you get:

  • Ten Power Tips to turn your blog into a rocking-socking, butt-kicking, inbox-busting, fully automated email marketing and subscriber retention system.
  • Three case studies so you can avoid the mistakes even the Big Guys make.
  • Easily actionable tips to grow both list quality and quantity.
  • Chapters on autoresponders so you can market while you sleep, custom fields for personalization, and how to avoid spam traps.
  • All in easy to understand plain English!

Now available for Immediate Download!

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“Trust what Phil Hollows has to say. Not only does he talk the talk, but he walks the walk when it comes to mastering email marketing. I’d recommend tattooing his recommendations on your arm.”

~ David Siteman Garland, Creator/Host, The Rise to the Top

Come on In, the Water’s Fine

Step by step, page by page, you’ll find ideas that will quickly make a difference and tasks that you can easily achieve. From suggestions about subscription forms to discussions about the risks and rewards of incentives, you’ll find it easy to make better use of what you’ve built already – and the ability to rethink what’s possible in the future.

You see, unlike other email marketing books, List Building for Bloggers isn’t targeted at the corporate sector, nor at professional marketers, nor is it for IT geeks looking for a manual.

Instead, List Building for Bloggers is written in plain English. It is full of actionable, proven tips and techniques you can easily put in place, step by step, on your blog. Each one makes your email list better. Together, they make your blog outstanding.

List Building for Bloggers is thoughtful, detailed and progresses in a natural way to introduce bloggers not only to why they need to focus on list building but also how to ethically and consistently build a list that supports their business goals, step by step. This must be required reading for every blogger serious about building their business on the Web.”

~ Denise Wakeman, Online Visibility Expert

What makes List Building for Bloggers Different?

It’s practical. It’s for bloggers by a blogger. It’s for you. And it includes:

  • Over 45,000 words
  • 24 chapters
  • 167 pages
  • Three case studies
  • Five key steps to grow your blog’s mailing list
  • Nine essential inbox-busting, spam trap trumping, anti-complaint tips
  • Seven top landing page tips
  • Exactly one mention of the mating habits of the South American ping pong ball

Start Making the Most of Your Mailing List Now

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“A comprehensive guide that enables bloggers to reach their readers and clients through effective and strategic email marketing. Phil helps you understand the importance of email marketing, and then leads you through the practical steps necessary to make the most of your email newsletters.”

~ Erin Chase, Author and Founder

Isn’t Email Dead in the Age of Social Media?

Not at all! Email subscribers are the most committed you have – look at what they have to do to sign up! Dual opt-in. Squiggly puzzles to prove they’re human. There’s nothing casual about it.

True, many people follow hundreds of “friends” on Facebook, Twitter accounts. Yet all those teeny-weeny, unbranded, untracked, undifferentiated, easy to miss messages simply fly by.

So, compare and contrast. Your email to a subscriber is in their inbox, by invitation. Fully branded. Content rich. Tracked. Customized. Personalized. A Tweet? A Like? Not so much.

They’ve committed to you. Why not return the favor? List Building for Bloggers makes it easy as well as worthwhile.

“Phil Hollows takes the geek-only out of marketing your blog and makes it possible, and surprisingly easy, for anyone to get and keep an audience for their online content. Comprehensive and written in everyday language, this is a must-read how-to for any blogger.”

~ Mark David Gerson, screenwriter and award-winning author of The MoonQuest: A True Fantasy

Get List Building for Bloggers Now!

You can carry on being casual. Or you can choose, now, to stop being an accidental email marketer, and to start making a difference.

You could hire a VA to do this for you at $30 an hour. A specialist consultant at between $1,000 and $3,000 per day (which is what I charge for my time, by the way).

Or… or you can get all this great stuff for only $24.95 (or less if you’ve a discount code). Right now.

You don’t even have to be a FeedBlitz client to benefit from List Building for Bloggers; the advice is vendor-neutral. The book is about best practice. It is definitely NOT a FeedBlitz manual. I have my credibility to maintain, after all!

It will work for you no matter which email service or app you use. And I’m backing the book with my 100% guarantee so you can buy in confidence, risk-free.

List Price: $24.95

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No Hassle, 100% Bullet-Proof Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee 100%This book will pay for itself when you use its ideas on your blog. I guarantee it. I put my name, email address and Twitter account on the cover! That’s how confident I am about the value this book can bring you.

Still not enough? Sure, I get it. So here’s the deal:

You don’t like it, for whatever reason, I’ll buy it back from you. No quibbles, no stalling, you get a 100% refund; no questions asked.

“Phil Hollows is a mensch, and a generous one. In this book, he’s sharing a ton. Stuff he learned the hard way. Ignore it at your peril.”

~ Somebody so famous I’m not allowed to name them on this web site! Seriously.
(But I do in the book – buy it and see!)

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P.S. Did I mention the BONUS CHAPTER?

Not only will this book rock your email world, I’ve added a BONUS CHAPTER on how to use Twitter for real-time sales results. Super actionable, easy to use techniques that can find your next customer on Twitter at exactly the time they want to hear from you. Make just one sale using this chapter and the book more than pays for itself!

ONLY $24.95!!

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