Martha PlimptonTài khoản được xác nhận


I put dead people's hair on my head and talk loudly in front of strangers for money. Pro-choice/repro justice and proud of it.

New York
Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2011

@MarthaPlimpton bị chặn

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  1. Carrie, watching her mother from the wings.

  2. Y'all! You can now watch from the beginning for a limited time! GO GO GO!

  3. "...the Republican effort to dismantle Medicaid is more certain.." / The Quiet War on Medicaid

  4. Rex Tillerson’s Special Friend in the Kremlin

  5. Newt Gingrich thinks the Constitution should b altered 2 accommodate T---p bc he's rich. How very patriotic of him.

  6. "...the controversy [re] the videos released by the anti-abortion organization." Stop calling lies "controversy."

  7. This is no "defense." It's a dismantling. The Bill of Rights protects all of us. Not just straight, white Christians

  8. Donald T---p, This Is Not Normal!

  9. I have an account with . Won't for long unless we all hear that they have apologized & offered these people redress. Unacceptable.

  10. How Republics End

  11. Remember when people were making sh*t up to undermine the office of the President? Much less effort required now. ? ?

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