
Bushfire risk reduction should not cost lives

Is the state a tinderbox? It's that time of year again, with the skies smudged by bushfires around Sydney from early November. This year may be more tinderbox-y than some, because hazard reduction burns were hindered by an exceptionally wet spring. 

It is to be hoped by now that those in high risk areas have heeded the education campaigns, learned the lessons of the past and taken the recommended steps to reduce the risks to their properties with an action plan ready to meet the dreaded eventuality.  

A risk analysis suggests this should be of particular concern to residents of the Hornsby, Ku-ring-gai, Sutherland and The Hills local government areas. These are the places where the greatest number of homes are most dangerously exposed to fire because houses are within 100 metres of bushland, meaning they lack an adequate "vegetation buffer". Any building within 50 metres of a major blaze has a 60 per cent chance of being destroyed, according to this analysis. Outside the metropolitan area, Gosford and the Blue Mountains are the biggest worry.

Longer term, we can expect fires to be more frequent and more dangerous due to climate change. According to the Climate Institute, the annual number of high to extreme fire danger days in NSW could double by 2050, to 38. Catastrophic blazes on the scale of Victoria's 2009 "Black Saturday" fires are more likely to happen every two to three years instead of once in a generation. 

So it's more important than ever that effective measures are in place to mitigate bushfire risk. Controlled burning has been used on this continent for thousands of years, though its effects in reducing the fire hazard seem to have been incidental more than purposeful. Aboriginal people burned to blaze trails through scrub to encourage new vegetation growth, which would attract game for hunting, and to foster the growth of useful plants. But the result was a mosaic of different vegetation and fuel ages across the landscape, so that large and intense bushfires were rare.

Fuel reduction burning seeks to achieve something similar but is always controversial. Some farmers think the fire management authorities don't do enough of it, leaving their properties exposed to the consequences of an untimely lightning strike, a thoughtless human with a cigarette lighter or, worse, someone with a box of matches and malicious intent.


Within and between the various authorities responsible for fire management there can be disagreements as to where, how much and when fuel reduction burns should take place. That question of when to burn was revealed to be of grave importance by a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia which found that a blitz of controlled burns around Sydney by the NSW Rural Fire Service in autumn probably sent 14 people to their early deaths and led to dozens more being hospitalised. During the worst days of the smoke haze, the most dangerous air pollution particles which can enter the lungs or bloodstream were present at up to six times the recommended safe level.

How was this allowed to happen? It is easy to imagine the outcry if a factory was allowed to pollute at comparable levels over six days. Part of the problem is that the extension of hotter temperatures into both spring and autumn is narrowing the safe window for controlled burnoffs. Another problem is that hazard reduction burning remains an inexact science. A research summary for the Bushfire and Natural Hazard CRC. says "the knowledge of the best way to use prescribed fire to reduce risk to key values is generally lacking". Nor is the modelling which predicts smoke distribution patterns sufficiently accurate.

More and better research is needed, urgently. In the meantime, at the very least, warnings should be issued to give people most in danger of illness from high air pollution — those with respiratory conditions, the very young and the elderly — the chance to stay indoors with their houses shut up. The RFS needs to pay much closer attention to smoke management and to co-ordinating burn plans across different areas in cooperation with other authorities. In Tasmania,  fire managers covering 17 regions of the state have to bid for controlled burning quotas to ensure pollution risks are reduced, with "dramatic" results for the better. Why not in NSW?  

We should work hard to avoid that dreaded headline — "the state's a tinderbox" — and not just because it's a terrible journalistic cliche.