
Almost half of drowning deaths linked to drinking, new research finds

A woman was so drunk that after she nearly drowned in the Murray River on Christmas Day, she offered her rescuers a sherry, a witness alleged. 

One of her rescuers Phil Clarke said the woman "was lucky she got snagged, otherwise she would have been swept down the river".

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A 27-year-old man has drowned at a beach south of Sydney after being pulled unconscious from the water on Christmas Day. Vision: Channel Seven.

"She offered us sherry when she got out," he told the Border Mail newspaper. 

"I guess it's a cautionary tale - it's pretty silly," said Mr Clarke.

With his father in law, Mr Clarke from Melbourne jumped into the Murray at Noreuil Park in Albury to save the woman whose leg was stuck in a tree. 

Being very drunk while swimming is not unusual, finds new research.


It found more than 40 per cent of the 770 people who drowned in Australia's inland waterways in the past 10 years had been drinking, It confirms the strong link between alcohol, drownings and reckless behaviour in the water.

Of those adults who had been drinking and subsequently drowned, 70 per cent would have failed a random breath test on the roads, says the paper to be published in January's edition of Accident Analysis and Prevention.

About 40 per cent of adults who had been drinking before they drowned had a blood alcohol reading of more than 0.20, four times the legal limit. Another nine per cent had drunk 0.10 to 0.19, and four per cent registered 0.05 to 0.09, said the report.

Nearly 83 per cent were male.

After seven drowning deaths in NSW in the past few days, it could be time to consider the introduction of random breath testing for swimming, said Justin Scarr, the chief executive of the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia.

The hard things about drownings is you have family gathering around. And you got people there, and it is just bloody sad.

Peter Wright

On Thursday, police were also searching for another man, who was feared to have drowned when he went swimming in the Murray near Wagga in heavy denim shorts. 

"Although it sounds un-Australian, the strong link between drinking and drowning while swimming or supervising children around water may call for such measures," he said on Wednesday.

The role of alcohol in this week's fatalities is not known yet, but several deaths occurred in inland waterways where young people were horsing around.

The new research by the RLSSA's national manager for research and policy, Amy Peden, also found that fewer than one in six children had been drinking.

The role of alcohol could be even greater because blood alcohol readings were not available in 20 per cent of adult deaths, she said.

Volunteer rescue diver Peter Wright's team has pulled the bodies of close to 50 people who have drowned out of the Murray River near Albury - the worst black spot for drownings in the most dangerous river in Australia - in the past 37 years.

Many had been drinking.

Often recovering the body takes three days of diving, while families and friends wait on nearby river banks to wail, wait and watch.

"The hard things about drownings is you have family gathering around. And you got people there, and it is just bloody sad," said Mr Wright. 

"Some of these diving jobs go for two or three days, and to front up there, to see the grief on these people's faces. You just can't bear it - it tears your heart out,"  said Mr Wright.

The only way to find the bodies in the pitch-black waters of the Murray is by touch.

"The water in there is black and there is no visibility. You are doing it by feel."

"Alcohol is a major contributing factor. If you have been drinking, and you get into trouble, you will drown. If you are a poor swimmer, and you get into trouble in the river, you will drown," he said. "It is the avoidable nature of these drownings that is the frustrating thing about them," said Mr Wright. He volunteers with the Corowa Rescue Squad, which often works with the Albury and Border Rescue Squad. 

Mr Wright, 62, is the longest serving and medically certified rescue diver in the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association yet he is determined to keep diving because there are so few volunteers.

He says the number-one reason people die or struggle in the water is because they panic, and that's more likely to occur when people have been drinking.

"Alcohol with water is extremely hazardous, whether you are boating or swimming. You get no second chances. If you are in the river, and you have had a bellyful of alcohol and you get into trouble, the chances are you will drown. And alcohol and the river, they just don't mix," he said.

To prevent further drownings, Mr Wright also visits schools to talk about water safety and the need to respect the river.

"All too often, it is either extremely young children who we have had to recover in the river because their parents haven't supervised them correctly, and that's tragic, or [because of] alcohol, which is a big player. We have numerous people who have no respect for the river, and alcohol increases their risk ... and they drink too much alcohol going fishing, craying, swimming across the river. It is just really tragic," he said.

Ms Peden said the research also found a strong link between reckless behaviour late at night and early in the morning by men - often on the way home from the pub, for example. Alcohol was also associated with jumping off bridges or trees into water.

"In nearly all cases where men jumped in, the study found a link with the consumption of alcohol," said Ms Peden.

The festive season was "definitely a concerning time for river drownings", she said.

"With the warmer weather and holidays, people are consuming more alcohol and recreating in and around our rivers. Our study found in 65 per cent of river drowning cases during summer, the victim had a blood alcohol content greater than or equal to 0.05 per cent."

"We're urging people during this festive period to avoid alcohol around water, make sure you finish your aquatic activity before you start drinking and if you've had a few drinks don't get back in the water or operate watercraft."

She said while the police had done a good job of reducing drunk driving on the roads, there was much less enforcement on rural roads and on the water, where rules on alcohol and boating vary from state to state.

Australia is not alone in this problem with similar results in New Zealand.

A study in Finland also found alcohol was present in nearly 64 per cent of water traffic accidents causing fatalities, while American research found alcohol present in 47 per cent of drownings in Maryland.