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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Elsevier Grand Challenge

Is it just me? Or does it seem that Science - which as a collaborative endeavor should be uniquely placed to exploit the social media phenomenon - has been slow to embrace the possibilities of the web as a tool for interaction.

Don't get me wrong - there are lots of examples of successful and innovative scientific tools and web services available - but nothing which has had the global impact and publicity of a Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. If you think that I'm overlooking something please let me know.

Against this background I was interested to hear that Elsevier Science (a sister division of New Scientist's publisher Reed Business Information) has challenged the scientific community, "to improve the way scientific information is communicated and used." Details of the challenge and how to win the $35,000 prize can be found on the Grand Challenge website.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

More Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze

The US edition of our best selling book - Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze is now available. Ivan Semeniuk, our Boston Bureau Chief, has had a busy week promoting the book on Televsion and Radio. Here is a video of Ivan on the CBS Early show.

If you are curious about penguins' feet, why snot is green or why boomerangs come back then you can find the book in the usual stores or on Amazon. It would make a great Father's Day gift!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

50th anniversary special issue

After 50 years of publishing the aim of New Scientist broadly remains the same as it was back in November 1956: “published for all those men and women who are interested in scientific discovery and in its industrial, commercial and social consequences”.

In the 50th anniversary special issue of 18 November 2006, we hope you enjoy looking back at the best stories of the last 50 years. We’ve also gathered some thoughts and predictions from brilliant minds around the world who reflect on the great things to come in the next 50 years… whether you’re reading the magazine, the web site or listening to the podcast, enjoy!

Thank you for your support.

Dominic Feltham
Publishing Director

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Podcast Anniversary

This week is the first anniversary of the launch of the New Scientist Podcast, please join me in raising your MP3 player in a toast!

We initially launched our podcast as a 10 week experiment so that we could learn about producing a show, and whether there was an audience for it. Well, it immediately jumped to the top of the iTunes charts and 10 weeks very quickly became a year.

The show continues, however, to be an experiment. Show hosts Ivan Semeniuk, our Boston Bureau Chief, and features editor Caroline Williams are constantly improving and refining what they do - a lot of this in response to your feedback and comments.

I think that they produce a fantastic podcast and I'm confident that it will continue to get even better. If you haven't heard it you can listen to it on NewScientist.com, or download it via iTunes.

I'm also very keen to know what you think - leave a comment below and let us know what you like and don't like about the show.

This post was edited in 2009 to remove links to pages which no longer exist. We no longer produce a podcast, but we do produce videos, which you may like to try instead.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze

Our new Last Word book, Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? has leapt to the top of the UK bestseller lists. It's currently the number 1 paperback, non-fiction seller in the UK, and is 17th overall in the Official UK Top 50.

If you want to learn why snot is green, why boomerangs come back or what the time is at the North Pole then the book is available in most book shops - Does Anything Eat Wasps? is also still available.

International readers will need to hang on a little longer, the American version is out in January and another 12 or so international editions are planned. Again, Does Anything Eat Wasps? is still availabe on Amazon.com.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Emdrive on trial

Our feature, Relativity drive: The end of wings and wheels?, prompted a lot of discussion on the web and a very large number of emails.

Below you will find a selection of these, plus a reply from the researcher involved, Roger Shawyer, and a note from New Scientist editor, Jeremy Webb. You can leave your own comments at the end of this blog post.

Editor's note

It is a fair criticism that New Scientist did not make clear enough how controversial Roger Shawyer’s engine is. We should have made more explicit where it apparently contravenes the laws of nature and reported that several physicists declined to comment on the device because they thought it too contentious.

But should New Scientist should have covered this story at all? The answer is a resounding yes: it is, after all, an ideas magazine. That means writing about hypotheses as well as theories.

And let’s not forget that Shawyer has experimental data that has convinced peer reviewers that he is onto something. He believes he can explain his machine's behaviour in terms of existing physical laws, which is what the theorists contest.

The great thing is that Shawyer’s ideas are testable. If he succeeds in getting his machine flown in space, we will know soon enough if it is ground-breaking device or a mere flight of fancy.

Jeremy Webb, Editor, New Scientist

Blog discussions

Slashdot - Thrust from Microwaves - The Relativity Drive

Digg – Relativity Drive could make wheels and wings obsolete

Reddit - Relativity drive: The end of wings and wheels?

Hypography – Relativity drive

Emails from readers

From Paul Friedlander, London, UK
The article on “flying by light” describes a machine that uses • microwaves to generate thrust. As I read it, I, like the thousands of other physicists who will have read it, immediately realised that this was impossible as described. Physicists are trained to use certain fundamental principles to analyse a problem and this claim clearly flouted one of them.

To understand how, consider this. A “Shawyer drive” is installed in a spacecraft floating in deep space far from any other object. Let us say that it got there using nuclear power, since it cannot use sunlight. Switch on the Shawyer drive and the craft begins to accelerate. The craft changes speed and in so doing it changes its momentum without any other external change. Except it doesn’t, because this is impossible.

Momentum, according to one of our basic principles, is conserved and cannot be created or destroyed. The craft is breaking this rule. In a conventional rocket, thrust is achieved without breaking the rule because the combined momentum of the craft and the exhaust gas from the rocket cancel each other out as they move in exactly opposite directions.

The principle of conservation of momentum is every bit as true in the world of relativity and quantum mechanics as it was when set down by Newton. The Shawyer drive is as impossible as perpetual motion.

From Greg Egan, Tuart Hill, Western Australia
Relativistic conservation of momentum has been understood for a century, and dictates that if nothing emerges from Shawyer’s device then its centre of mass will not accelerate. This statement holds true in all reference frames. It is likely that Shawyer has used an approximation somewhere in his calculations that would have been reasonable if he hadn’t then multiplied the result by 50,000. The reason physicists value principles such as conservation of momentum is that they act as a reality check against errors of this kind.

From Dick Atkinson, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, UK
Your story describes Roger Shawyer’s plan to power a space vehicle by the pressure exerted by microwaves in a vessel shaped like a truncated cone. Because one end is smaller it is suggested that there will be a smaller force acting on it, so the net forces will accelerate the device in the direction of its larger end.

Surely there is a facile error in this idea: every photon striking the big end has to be reflected there. Photons which impact on the sloping sides exert forces too. In effect, the narrowing walls of the vessel are part of the little end, and a little vector analysis should show that their contribution neatly balances the two ends.

I think this is as unreal as Jonathan Swift’s account of the Big-endians and the Little-endians in Gulliver’s Travels, and any journey that Shawyer’s drive facilitates is rather less likely than Gulliver’s voyage to the flying island of Laputa. Having said that, I hope I’m wrong.

From Paul Warren, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK
I have seen some comments that question the academic integrity of your reports on Shawyer and his emdrive concept. I feel New Scientist has an important role to fulfil in exploring maverick or contentious science, and thus I am glad you published the article. But I would like to request that you present both sides of this kind of argument, and with more academic rigour. Can we hear more on the emdrive and its sceptics?

Roger Shawyer's reply

The momentum exchange is between the electromagnetic wave and the engine, which is attached to the spacecraft. As the engine accelerates, momentum is lost by the electromagnetic wave and gained by the spacecraft, thus satisfying the conservation of momentum. In this process, energy is lost within the resonator, thus satisfying the conservation of energy.

The emdrive concept is clearly difficult to comprehend without a rigorous study of the theory paper, which is available via emdrive.com or the New Scientist website. This paper, which has been subjected to a long and detailed review process by industry and government experts, derives two equations: the static thrust equation and the dynamic thrust equation.

The law of the conservation of momentum is the basis of the static thrust equation, the law of the conservation of energy is the basis of the dynamic thrust equation. Provided these two fundamental laws of physics are satisfied, there is no reason why the forces inside the resonator should sum to zero.

The equations used to calculate the guide wavelengths in the static thrust equation are very non-linear. This is exploited in the design of the resonator to maximise the ratio of end plate forces, while minimising the axial component of the side wall force. This results in a net force that produces motion in accordance with Newton’s laws.

We are now in the process of negotiating a trial flight programme.

Note on Comments: We are having some problems with comments on this post which means that not all comments are visible on the New Scientist site. To see all comments, and add your own views, please visit Blogger's comment interface.

Monday, October 02, 2006

New Scientist on MySpace

New Scientist now has a MySpace account. We'll be using it to help keep MySpace users up-to-date with what's happening on NewScientist.com.

Why not sign up as our friend? As an incentive for the next few week s we'll be chosing one our friends at random to recieve a copy of our new Last Word book - Why Don't Penguins Feet Freeze? (Amazon UK link, we'll let you know when the US version of the book is out).