This framework provides a solid foundation for responsible management by the five coastal States and other users of this Ocean through national implementation and application of relevant provisions.
We therefore see no need to develop a new comprehensive international legal regime to govern the Arctic Ocean.Clearly, the mighty five have agreed that to duke it out in the International Tribune for the Law of the Sea will offer them their best chance at securing rights to Arctic mineral resources.
Labels: freds-footprint, water
Labels: climate change, plants
Labels: cooking, endangered species
"At no time in at least the past 10 million years has the atmospheric concentration of CO2 exceeded the present value"
Rapidly growing industrialization in Asia and rising wetland emissions in the Arctic and tropics are the most likely causes of the recent methane increase, said scientist Ed Dlugokencky from NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory. "We're on the lookout for the first sign of a methane release from thawing Arctic permafrost," said Dlugokencky. "It's too soon to tell whether last year's spike in emissions includes the start of such a trend."
Labels: arctic, climate change
Labels: climate change, climate sceptics
Labels: endangered species, environment, life
Labels: freds-footprint
The paper by Zeebe and Caldeira in Nature Geosciences is a fascinating and probably important analysis.He believes Zeebe and Caldeira have missed out on the important role which organisms on or close to the rocks (microbes, mosses) play in accelerating the rate at which CO2 is absorbed.
"American scientists too often fail to acknowledge that the Earth is a self regulating system made up from all life including humans, the surface rocks, air and oceans and operates with the goal of sustaining a habitable planet. This is Gaia theory and it is sad to see good science, neglected simply because the word Gaia brings up images of Earth mothers and New Age fantasy. If they want to call it Earth System theory instead of Gaia they are welcome, so long as they give credit by literature citation to the sources of the idea. We badly need a proper systems approach to Earth and Life science now that the system itself shows signs of breaking down," says Lovelock.
Labels: climate change, climate sceptics