Could these giant dinosaurs have lifted up their pictured prey?

DAILY NEWS:  13:00 01 May 2015

This painting shows two Carcharodontosaurus saharicus carrying huge prey together, but calculations show their necks just weren't strong enough

Feedback: Won't somebody please think of the robots?

FEEDBACK:  12:00 01 May 2015

A puzzling personhood phrase, overflowing with pi precision, the day of glory has arrived! and more

NASA's Messenger probe crashes into Mercury

DAILY NEWS:  20:26 30 April 2015

After exhausting its fuel spending four years orbiting the nearest planet to the sun, Messenger has crashed, creating a 16-metre crater

Birds do impressions – it's time to take them seriously Movie Camera

FEATURE:  20:00 30 April 2015

Chainsaws. Dogs. Even you. Birds are known for being great mimics. But the reasons why have been a mystery. Until now.

Nepal earthquake: Can we make nations more disaster resilient?

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  19:00 30 April 2015

After the destruction in Nepal, it's natural to wonder how to improve earthquake preparedness. People are the key, says Alex Densmore

The human universe: Was the cosmos made for us?

FEATURE:  18:00 30 April 2015

For millennia, we humans have thought of ourselves as a pretty big deal. Then along came science and taught us how insignificant we are. Or so we thought

Teleporting trick shows how the brain helps us know our own body

DAILY NEWS:  17:51 30 April 2015

Conflicting sensory information that makes people feel they are teleporting has revealed the brain regions that keep track of our body in space

Capuchin monkeys rival chimps as highly skilled nut-crackers Movie Camera

DAILY NEWS:  17:00 30 April 2015

Monkeys observed in Brazil can use tools, but they also know it doesn't take a sledgehammer to crack a nut – instead they exercise judgement and restraint

Bats use unusual touch sensors to catch a mid-air meal Movie Camera

PICTURE OF THE DAY:  17:03 30 April 2015

Echolocation isn't the only tool used by bats when catching prey. Touch sensors, arranged in a unique pattern on their wings, play a crucial role

Biological baloney: The flaw in US anti-gay marriage arguments

COMMENT:  16:00 30 April 2015

US states defending same-sex marriage bans say the ability to procreate naturally dictates wedding rights. This is irrational, says William Saletan

Land ho: NASA spacecraft may have seen polar ice cap on Pluto

DAILY NEWS:  14:39 30 April 2015

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is 98 per cent of the way to Pluto, and it's getting better pictures than Hubble

ExoMars rover's Martian-hunting camera takes test run in Iceland

THIS WEEK:  14:00 30 April 2015

A prototype PanCam for the European Space Agency's ExoMars rover has been scanning volcanic north-east Iceland for minerals that might hold clues to life

Amazon boss Jeff Bezos just launched a secret rocket to space Movie Camera

DAILY NEWS:  11:27 30 April 2015

Bezos' rocket company, Blue Origin, launched a test flight that powered to Mach 3 speeds and reached a height of 93.6 kilometres above Earth

Combs made of hair probe our changing idea of luxury

REVIEW:  11:00 30 April 2015

Fancy combing your hair with a comb made of hair from someone else? Eccentrically beautiful objects are on display in London at an exhibition on future luxury

The human universe: Should we take responsibility for the cosmos?

LEADER:  11:00 30 April 2015

We are the most powerful species in the known universe, and with great power comes great responsibility. We ask the experts what our role should be

Could smart search for votes swing the UK general election?

THIS WEEK:  09:00 30 April 2015

Next week the UK goes to the polls. With no clear winner in sight, political parties are delving into online data to identify voters who could make a difference

Milky Way's quiet life leaves it with no dark matter skeleton

THIS WEEK:  21:00 29 April 2015

Our galaxy has only ever merged with small galaxies, not large ones. This low-key history has left it bereft of dark matter from outside

The human universe: Exploring our place in space

SPECIAL FEATURE:  09:13 30 April 2015

We’re masters of Earth, but how do we measure up against the cosmos? From colonising stars to destroying the universe, we explore humans' role beyond our world


Hay fever: Why it's not to be sneezed at

Allergens can get right up your nose, causing symptoms like sneezing and itchy eyes – and it's all down to your own immune system overreacting


Not just a headache: How migraine changes your brain

Migraine changes the way you experience the world all the time, not just during an attack. It's time for a new approach to treatment


The human universe

On Earth, we rule the roost. But what is humanity's place in the universe?



Bats use unusual touch sensors to catch a mid-air meal

Echolocation isn't the only tool used by bats when catching prey. Touch sensors, arranged in a unique pattern on their wings, play a crucial role


Bitter sweet nectar: Why some flowers poison bees

Plants provide pollinators with nectar as a reward for their services, so why lace it with mind-bending toxins? Their motivations are surprisingly devious


Eye of the beholder: How colour vision made us human

Most of us can distinguish a million or more hues. A winding evolutionary path led to this amazing ability – and perhaps to our explosion of brainpower


New Scientist Live in 2015

New Scientist Live 2015: Sydney 4 exciting events in Sydney. Buy tickets now

Instant Expert: Einstein’s Universe 23 May, London. Buy tickets now

Instant Expert: The Quantum World 14 November, London. Buy tickets now


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