Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

December 26, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 2:00 am



  1. Who is that guy?

    On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 9:00 PM, Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist wrote:

    > louisproyect posted: ” ” >

    Comment by jeffreymarlin — December 26, 2016 @ 2:17 am

  2. Assad.

    Comment by louisproyect — December 26, 2016 @ 2:27 am

  3. One thing you can say about Hitler. Leftists didn’t back him.

    Comment by Karl Friedrich — December 26, 2016 @ 3:28 am

  4. This is really a cheap shot. It might make some sense to compare Assad with Stalin. But you make the Nazis look reasonable when you compare them with Assad. What foreign country have the Syrians invaded? What kinds of sadistic medical experiments have Syrians doctors been accused of carrying out on non combatants? Who is Syria was oppressed simply because they were a member of a religious or ethnic minority group? Have any members of the Assad family ever been accused of kidnapping beautiful women off the streets and raping and torturing and murdering them like one of Hussein`s sons?
    What I am not saying is that those who took up arms against Assad were not justified in doing so. I am also not going to condemn Assad’s forces for fighting back. Nor will I condemn the Russians and Iranians for helping Assad. Nor am I going to condemn Assad’s pilots for dropping barrel bombs on hospitals, if that is were their enemies are hiding.
    Yet it is perfectly reasonable not only to condemn but even to to murder American or Israeli, or Saudi pilots who attack appartment buildings or hospitals with “precision guided weapons” because what Americans and Israelis and Saudis are fighting for is so incredibly clearly unjust that the sins of Assad pale in comparison. The leadership of the USA, and Israel, and Saudi Arabia are waging an unnecessary war together against the entire planet. Those American and Israeli and Saudi pilots who fight back should be condemned by all civilized people. Sadly condemning these pilots is really a pointless exercise as they are to heedless to repent, just like their confederate ancestors, the shit does not fall far from the ass.

    Comment by Curt Kastens — December 26, 2016 @ 2:53 pm

  5. I have not forgotten the fact the European countries enable American aggression I just did not mention them by name because I do not know what kinds of pressures that the US puts on them to fall in line. It is plausible to me European leaders are unwilling participants in supporting American aggression. That clearly can not be said in the case of Israel or Saudi Arabia.

    Comment by Curt Kastens — December 26, 2016 @ 3:05 pm

  6. Curt: While it’s true that neither Stain nor Hitler dropped bombs on their own working class neighborhoods (nor did they invite a foreign power to help with such slaughter) – it’s also true that nobody on left disputes the criminal perfidy of Saudi, Israeli and American aggression. Nor does anybody dispute that only Hitler & Stalin had armies big enough to threaten The Continent. I think Lou’s point was simply the irony of erstwhile Leftists backing such a fascistic regime like Assad’s (never mind the strange love they have, along with the Alt Right, for a psychopathic Russian despot who flies the Czarist flag over the Kremlin, aka, the Butcher of Grozny).

    Comment by Karl Friedrich — December 26, 2016 @ 5:28 pm

  7. Karl: If you live in this country (the U.S.A.), I would think that your responsibility would pertain more to the psychopathic individual who currently (at least for a few weeks) leads our own country, President Drone.

    Comment by David Green — December 26, 2016 @ 6:31 pm

  8. Actually, David, as a proletarian Internationalist my responsibility is solidarity with working people wherever and whenever their neighborhoods are under aerial bombardment.

    Comment by Karl Friedrich — December 26, 2016 @ 7:22 pm

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