
Decoding Genius: With an IQ of 154, is this young teen Australia’s own Einstein?

  • The final episode of Decoding Genius, a podcast series by General Electric that asks what is a genius and how you become one, is available now for download from or via iTunes​​

An Australian teen, working with another teenager on the other side of the world, has created a maths theorem that will revolutionise the field, and change the face of geometry.

Australian mathematics wunderkind Ivan Zelich is the subject of  the final episode of the six-part podcast series Decoding Genius, which examines amazing young people around the world who are making major breakthroughs in their fields. The series, hosted by Lily Serna, attempts to discover what makes a genius.

Zelich, just 17, developed his maths theorem in the space of only six months, after partnering with fellow 17-year-old Xuming Liang following a chance meeting in an online maths forum.

Working together on a number of different mathematics problems, the two focused on what they saw as a "gap" in mathematics.

 "The driving interest for us [in creating the theorem] is that we couldn't solve it, so we had to solve it," says Zelich.


"We took two seemingly unrelated things to prove the initial problem – kind of like a triangle. [Our] theorem relates to two problems, and if we proved the remaining side of the triangle, we would then prove the whole theorem."

Zelich and Liang's work, Generalisations of the Neuberg cubic to the Euler pencil of isopivotal cubics, is seen as a mathematical stepping stone for others to build upon, cutting down calculation times tremendously: in some instances from what was a five page proof down to only four lines with a single application of their theorem.

"What is cool is that many computer programs time-out before being able to do the algebra," Zelich says.

At its heart, the theorem aids mathematicians in breaking down geometrical structures and joining the dots, proving that two apparently different loci – or points that a path takes – are in fact the same, a discovery which some believe will have major future ramifications on space travel.

According to Zelich, this discovery will be just the first of many. He says he wants to find the ultimate theory of everything, using maths to understand the universe.

University of Queensland Associate Dean Professor Peter Adams, who first met Zelich when he was considering entering university at the age of 14, described his work as something new to humanity, similar to someone discovering a new continent or a mountain that no one has ever climbed before. He predicts Zelich will be the second ever Australian winner of the Fields Medal – the mathematics equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

Throughout the Decoding Genius series, persistence and obsession have been touted as key factors in lifting people from being highly intelligent into true genius territory, and Zelich is no different.

His mother, Marina, played a major role in directing Ivan, instilling his work ethic. "Intelligence by itself doesn't mean a lot, you have to work hard and you have to have determination, and a goal," she says. "And you have to do it properly, [even] if you're doing cleaning, you do it properly; always aim towards excellence."

Zelich likes to "ruthlessly focus" on what he does, eliminating all distractions. He speaks six languages, has represented Queensland in chess, completed his Licentiate in Music for piano, and was a state champion swimmer. As with fellow Australian genius and subject of Episode Four of the podcast Jordan Nguyen, he was recently nominated as a state finalist for the Young Australian of the Year.

People like Ivan Zelich are rare world-changers, but where do they come from?

Decoding Genius host Lily Serna says the podcast aimed to answer the questions 'What is the origin of genius?' and 'Is genius born or bred?'

"And by and large, we found it is genetic," she says, with IQ tests carried out as early as eight years old considered a fairly reliable barometer for intelligence over a lifetime.

"You can improve your memory with techniques, and you can learn task specific skills through practice, but in terms of raw IQ - what you've got is what you've got."

But, no matter how much we train, geniuses are simply born that way.

Renowned geneticist, Michigan State University Professor Stephen Hsu, tells the podcast that genius really is all in the genes, and intelligent people tend to have intelligent children.

Zelich's own potential for greatness was first noticed when he was a baby. He began speaking at the age of two months; at three years old he started calculating negative addition numbers, "this was the first time I realised I liked maths," Zelich says.

By the age of nine, his maths prowess had become too complex for his parents – both doctors – "who did their best to stay out of his way," Serna says.

Subsequent testing showed he has an IQ of 154, the same as Stephen Hawking, and close to that of Bill Gates and Albert Einstein who have IQs of around 160.

Despite Dr Hsu's findings, Zelich believes that everyone can achieve great things.

"Anyone can do it, it just requires a lot of effort. If you are willing to put in the work, and not be discouraged by the grandness [of what you are doing], then you can actually do it."

Genius may be all in the genes, but as Zelich - and one of humanity's greatest inventors Thomas Edison – has said, hard work makes all the difference, and anyone can achieve great things through persistence.

Episode 6 is the final in the Decoding Genius podcast series, with more than 100,000 downloads. To find out more about genius and meet the amazing young people changing our world, download or subscribe to the podcast and expand your world.

The Decoding Genius podcast was produced by Made by Fairfax in partnership with General Electric.
