Configure options via the registry

You can configure some Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® features by modifying the Windows registry. This needs to be done on each computer where you want the new setting to take effect. Users can do this themselves if they're comfortable with working in the registry. Otherwise, you, the domain administrator, should make these changes for them.

Using the Windows Registry

How do I modify the registry?

In each set of instructions on this page for modifying the registry, you're given a key, a value name (DWORD value or String value), and value data. You must open the registry, create or locate the key, create a value for the key, then modify the value with data. Here's how you do it:

Open the registry
From the Windows Start menu, click Run, then enter regedit in the Run dialog.

Or, if you're using a 32-bit version of Outlook on a 64-bit version of Windows, you should instead enter %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit in the Run dialog.

Locate a key
Navigate to the key via the folders at the left of the registry, following the path given in your instructions. The path begins with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Create a key

  1. Navigate to the folder where you're instructed to create the key.
  2. Choose Edit > New > Key. This creates a new folder in the folder you navigated to.
  3. Type the key's name as given in your instructions, and press Enter (this names your new folder).

Add a new value to a key

  1. Select the key's folder.
  2. Choose Edit > New > DWORD Value (to add a DWORD value) or String Value (for a String value).
  3. Enter the value's name as given in your instructions and press Enter.

Modify value data

  1. Right-click the new value's folder and click Modify.
  2. Under Value Data, enter the value as given in your instructions.


I'm running a 32-bit version of Outlook on a 64-bit version of Windows

If you're running a 32-bit version of Outlook on a 64-bit version of Windows, you must make all your Google Apps Sync registry settings in the correct location for 32-bit applications. There are two ways to do this:

  • When opening the registry, enter %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit (instead of regedit) in the Run dialog. This opens the 32-bit version of the registry. Then modify keys exactly as described in the instructions given for each setting.
  • Or, open the regular registry by entering regedit in the Run dialog. Then navigate to each registry key in its Wow6432Node location for 32-bit applications. For example, instead of navigating to:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync...

    Navigate to:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wow6432Node\Google\Google Apps Sync..

If you're running 32-bit Outlook on 32-bit Windows, or 64-bit Outlook on 64-bit Windows, ignore all this—just open the registry as usual by typing regedit in the Run dialog, and navigate to keys exactly as described in the instructions given for each setting.

How do I know if I'm running 32- or 64-bit Windows?


Registry settings for Google Apps Sync

Hide the Synchronization Status dialog for new profiles

Hide the Synchronization Status dialog for new profiles

By adding the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Values, you can prevent the Synchronization Status dialog from opening when a new Google Apps Sync user first starts Google Apps Sync. This only applies the first time the user starts Outlook after creating their profile. If the user does want the dialog to open each time they start Outlook, they can open the Synchronization Status dialog themselves and check a box that will do just that.

Create the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Values on each computer where Google Apps Sync is installed:

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Other
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Other by adding the following DWORD Values:
    • DWORD Value: DefaultSyncStatusVisibility
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To show the dialog at initial login: Value data = 1
      • To hide the dialog at initial login: Value data = 0


Enable/disable SSO-login

Enable/disable the SSO-login option by setting a registry key and adding DWORD Values

By adding the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Values, you can enable or disable the SSO-login option and the saving of credentials.

Create the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Values on each computer where Google Apps Sync is installed:

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\SignIn
  • Modify HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\SignIn by adding the following DWORD Values:
    • DWORD Value: SSOEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable SSO login: Value data = 1
      • To disable SSO login: Value data = 0
    • DWORD Value: PasswordEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the password login: Value data = 1
      • To disable the password login: Value data = 0
    • DWORD Value: SaveCredentialsAllowed
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable saving credentials: Value data = 1
      • To disable saving credentials: Value data = 0


Disable sync for a specific product

Disable sync for individual products

While these registry settings may function, these options are experimental and are not fully supported

If you're experiencing issues with a particular product, you can disable the sync by creating certain registry entries. First, enable sync overrides by creating the following entry:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\DWORD:SyncFlagsEnabled=1

Next, either modify or create the following keys to disable two-way sync. Substitute the registry entry name for the product you'd like to disable. This example disables notes sync:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\NotesSync\DWORD:DownloadEnabled=0
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\NotesSync\DWORD:UploadEnabled=0
The path may be HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node\Google\... if you're running the 32-bit version of Outlook on a 64-bit installation of Windows.

A complete list of options follows:

  • CalendarSync - Google Calendar
  • ContactsSync - Contacts
  • AddressBookSync - Google Apps Directory (shared contacts)
  • EmailSync - Gmail
  • NotesSync - Notes
  • TasksSync - Tasks
Disable the Dynamic Global Address List

Disable the dynamic Global Address List for individual users:

If you don't want users to have access to your dynamic Global Address List, you can disable this feature. You can disable it for everyone in your domain using your Google Apps administrator contol panel. Or you can disable it for individual users by adding a registry key on each person's computer, like this:

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\AddressBookSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\AddressBookSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: DynamicGal
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To disable dynamic Global Address List: Value data = 0

Learn more about the dynamic Global Address List.


Enable/disable import options

Enable/disable import options by setting registry keys

By modifying and adding registry keys and accompanying DWORD Values, you can enable or disable import options in the Google Apps Sync interface. The first modification is effectively an ON/OFF switch for using registry keys to control the process of enabling/disabling import options. The second modification lets you turn all import options on or off. The third modification lets you turn individual options on or off.

1. Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync by adding the following DWORD Value so you can turn import options on and off with registry keys:

  • DWORD Value: SyncFlagsEnabled
    Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
    • To turn import options on and off with registry keys: Value data = 1
    • To prevent import options from being turned on and off with registry keys: Value data = 0


2. You need to add one DWORD Value to an existing key, and then create a new key and add a DWORD Value:

  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable all import options: Value data = 1
      • To disable all import options: Value data = 0
  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Migration
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Migration by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable all import options: Value data = 1
      • To disable all import options: Value data = 0


3. Add the following registry keys and accompanying DWORD Values to enable/disable specific options:

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\CalendarSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\CalendarSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the Calendar import option: Value data = 1
      • To disable the Calendar import option: Value data = 0

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the Email import option: Value data = 1
      • To disable the Email import option: Value data = 0

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\ContactsSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\ContactsSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the Contacts import option: Value data = 1
      • To disable the Contacts import option: Value data = 0

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\TasksSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\TasksSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the Tasks import option: Value data = 1
      • To disable the Tasks import option: Value data = 0

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Other
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Other by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value: ImportEnabled
      Modify the DWORD Value as follows:
      • To enable the Other import option: Value data = 1
      • To disable the Other import option: Value data = 0


Limit mailbox size

Limit mailbox size by setting a registry key

By adding the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Value, you can limit the size of a user's mailbox to a specific number of megabytes. This value also includes the size of delegated mailboxes that can be accessed. When you implement this registry key, the Mailbox Size Limit options are not available.

Create the following registry key and accompanying DWORD Value on each computer where Google Apps Sync is installed:

  • Add the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync
  • Modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\EmailSync by adding the following DWORD Value:
    • DWORD Value name: MaxStorePstSizeMegaBytes
    • DWORD Value data: Enter the number of megabytes that you want as the maximum size of the mailbox (for example, 256)


Set paths to PST and log files

Set the paths to PSTs and log files by modifying a registry key

By modifying the following registry key with the following String Values, you can specify the locations of local PST files and log files. The new locations apply only to PSTs associated with profiles created after you modify this registry key, and to log files created after you modify this registry key.

On each computer where Google Apps Sync is installed, modify HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync by adding the following String Values:

  • PstFolder
    • String Value name: PstFolder
    • String Value data: The path to the PST file on the local computer: for example, C:\Program Files\Google\Google Apps Sync\PST.
  • LogFolder
    • String Value name: LogFolder
    • String Value data: The path to the log files on the local computer: for example, C:\Program Files\Google\Google Apps Sync\Logs.


Set logging levels

Enable Information, Verbose, or Performance logging in the Trace log file

To enable the different logging levels:
Edit the Tracing registry key and its accompanying Level DWORD Value:

  • Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\Tracing
  • DWORD Value: Level
  • Level value data: Change the default value of 7 to:
    • f (Information)
    • ff (Verbose)
    • 4F (Performance)

    Note: Verbose logging can generate large log files, which can impact performance and the availability of disk space.



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