Venezuelan people are from a multiethnic nation in South America called Venezuela. Venezuelans are predominantly Roman Catholic and speak Spanish. The majority of Venezuelans are the result of a mixture of Europeans, Africans and Amerindians. 61% of the population are Mestizos of mixed European, African and Amerindian ancestry and 21% of Venezuelans consider themselves White of European ancestry and/or Middle Eastern. Another 10% is Black African, while 2% is of full Amerindian ancestry and around 6% other races (principally Asian people).
Historical and ethnic aspects
Pre Colombian period
Pre-Columbian times, is a historical stage where various immigrant groups begin to move the current Americas, at which writing was not used, thus being difficult to find evidence of the people who began to populate this land. However, archaeological excavations are the evidences that establish certain periods that were taking place on the continent.
In the case of Venezuela, probably the man first appeared 16,000 years ago, this due to migration flows from other indigenous cultures of America, from the south to the Amazon, from the west through Los Andes and north by the Caribbean Sea.