
After UN resolution, Israel presses ahead with more Jerusalem settlements

Jerusalem: Undeterred by a resounding defeat at the United Nations, Israel's government says it will move ahead with thousands of new homes in East Jerusalem and warned nations against further action, declaring that Israel has received "ironclad" information that Washington actively helped craft the resolution.

Just a few days after the United Nations Security Council voted to condemn Israeli settlements, Jerusalem's municipal government signalled that it would not back down. The city intends to approve 600 housing units in the predominantly Palestinian eastern section of town on Wednesday in what a top official called a first instalment on 5600 new homes.

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Netanyahu labels UN vote 'shameful'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will reassess its ties with the United Nations following a vote calling for an end to Israeli settlement building.

The defiant posture reflected a bristling anger among Israel's pro-settlement political leaders, who not only blamed the United States for failing to block the Council resolution, but also claimed to have secret intelligence showing that US President Barack Obama's team had orchestrated it. American officials strongly denied the claim, but the sides seem poised for more weeks of conflict until Obama hands over the presidency to Donald Trump.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lashed out at Security Council countries by curbing diplomatic contacts, recalling envoys, cutting off aid and summoning the American ambassador for a scolding, and cancelled a planned visit this week by Ukraine's prime minister.

The allegations further poisoned a toxic atmosphere between Israel and the outgoing administration in the wake of Friday's vote, raising questions about whether the White House might take further action against settlements in President Barack Obama's final weeks in office.

"We have ironclad information that emanates from sources in the Arab world and that shows the Obama administration helped craft this resolution and pushed hard for its eventual passage," Netanyahu spokesman David Keyes said, according to Associated Press. "We're not just going to be a punching bag and go quietly into the night."


He did not identify the Arab sources or say how Israel obtained the information. Israel has close security ties with Egypt, the original sponsor of last week's resolution. Under heavy Israeli pressure, Egypt delayed the resolution indefinitely - but other members presented it for a vote a day later. Egypt ended up voting in favour of the measure.

The Obama administration has vehemently denied Israel's allegations.

Netanyahu also expressed concern on Monday that Obama was planning more action at the UN before his term ends next month. Israeli officials fear they are seeing the start of a wave of international declarations against the country.

Days after the UN measure was approved, Israel's foreign ministry is bracing for what it believes could be another UN resolution that would impose parameters on negotiations with the Palestinians.

Such a resolution could come out of a meeting in Paris of some 70 international leaders, scheduled for January 15, an Israeli official said.

Israeli officials are also concerned that a speech being planned by US Secretary of State John Kerry, which he could present in Paris or before, will outline the Obama administration's position on a final peace agreement and add fuel to that second resolution.

Israel has long said that any future peace deal with creation of a Palestinian state alongside it could come only from direct peace negotiations, with no preconditions. However, since early 2014, there has been little progress in bringing Israelis and Palestinians to the negotiating table to end the decades-old conflict.

Under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinians have pressed to hold Israel accountable in international forums for its actions in the occupied West Bank, including expanding existing Jewish settlements and laying the groundwork for new communities.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Tuesday that in recent days senior government ministers had been presented with information suggesting the French conference will outline a plan for peace that will immediately be brought to the UN Security Council for a vote before January 20, when President-elect Trump enters the White House.

Netanyahu warned ministers that Friday's resolution might not be the last measure taken by the international community regarding Israel and that there will probably be additional steps, Haaretz reported, quoting an unnamed official.

The resolution, which was approved by a vote of 14 to 0, declares that Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have "no legal validity" and constitute a "flagrant violation under international law".

It also calls the settlements a major obstacle to achieving a two-state solution and peace with the Palestinians. The US abstained instead of using its veto, breaking with a long-standing policy of blocking resolutions dealing with Israel.

Right-wing voices in Netanyahu's coalition have called on him to ramp up Israeli construction in the settlements, and some have even said it is time for Israel to annex parts of the West Bank.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Jerusalem Municipality said: "The Jerusalem Municipality has not changed its stance that building in Jerusalem is necessary for the development of the city and will continue to develop the capital according to zoning and building codes without prejudice, for the benefit of all residents."

Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem estimates that, combined, about 600,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The figures are based on official data provided by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics and the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. Palestinians say the figure is higher.

Sophie Lagoutte, a spokeswoman for the French Embassy in Tel Aviv, said the Paris initiative was not aimed at creating a new UN resolution but was intended to "reaffirm the importance of a two-state solution, with Palestinians and Israelis living side by side in security".

The French hope the decisions made at the meeting will help reignite the peace process, Lagoutte said.

Palestinian officials praised the UN resolution and the French initiative.

The Israelis have repeatedly stated that they will not go to Paris, and Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel would not abide by the resolution.

"Such steps are counterproductive to the situation," Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told The Washington Post. "People are in love with an easy formula and ignore the complexity on the ground."

Israel does not intend to be part of the Paris conference, she said, or of "any international idea to force a final resolution on Israel" without it first sitting down and negotiating a peace deal with the Palestinians.

Hotovely said she believed the Obama administration "had failed in so many arenas" and that Obama "did not care if he left behind a bad legacy in the region".

Hotovely's comments came after Israel's ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, said in a CNN interview Monday that Israel had proof that Obama himself was behind Friday's UN resolution. Dermer said Israel would give Trump evidence that Obama had colluded with the Palestinians in hopes that the new administration would work with Israel to override the resolution by submitting an alternative one on the issue.

"It's an old story that the United Nations gangs up against Israel. What is new is that the United States did not stand up and oppose that gang-up," Dermer said on CNN. "And what is outrageous is that the United States was actually behind that gang-up. I think it was a very sad day and really a shameful chapter in US-Israel relations."

In an interview on Israel's Channel 2 News, also on Monday, Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said that "the true face of this President's support for Israel can be seen in his entire record".

"A few weeks ago we completed a 10-year, $US38 billion [$52 billion] [memorandum of understanding] for security assistance, the largest such package for any country in American history," Rhodes said. "Obama has been outspoken about his support for a two-state solution and concern about settlements throughout his entire administration. This is not a new position."

Israelis are involved in a significant diplomatic push to gain the support of other countries heading to the Paris conference. It is also cementing ties with Ethiopia and Kazakhstan, two countries set to become non-permanent members of the Security Council on Sunday. Netanyahu visited both countries this year.

Oded Eran, a former Israeli diplomat and a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, said, however, that gaining the support of two non-permanent members was unlikely to prevent a resolution from passing. Only nine affirmative votes are needed from the 15-member council to approve a resolution, but the five permanent members hold veto power.

If a second resolution is brought before the Security Council in coming weeks, it would probably "enshrine the US position on the major issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, set out the borders between the two states and refer to East Jerusalem as being the site of a future Palestinian capital," Eran said. "If that happens, it will be interesting how the US will react to it this time."

Washington Post, New York Times, AP