
Sniffer dogs join party boats to detect drugs

Police are using paw patrols to sniff out party animals selling or using drugs on boats.

Police announced Wednesday they had launched their first joint operation of the Water Police and Dog Squad to patrol drug use and possession on party boats.

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And – judging by the results – it's unlikely to be the last.

"On one boat alone we seized numerous bags of powder and tablets suspected to be both for personal use and for sale," said Acting Inspector Alistair Nisbet of Monday night's operation.

A 37-year-old man from Abbotsford was nabbed for drug possession and use in relation to that discovery, which took place on a commercial boat on the Yarra River.

Police emphasised the dangers of being under the influence of drugs while on the water. 


"Taking certain drugs can delay your reaction time and your ability to make safe decisions," said Inspector Nisbet. "One bad move could land you in the water without the ability to save yourself."

Police expressed disappointment in the longstanding attitude among drug users and dealers that they would not be detected by police while on board a boat.

"These actions are illegal and we'll catch up with you no matter land or sea," warned Inspector Nisbet.

Fairfax Media has partnered with the Global Drug Survey for its fifth year to help understand how and why people take drugs in Australia.