Federal Politics

Australian Electoral Commission plans for voting with pens, not pencils

Australian voters could soon use pens to vote at federal elections, as part of a plan to replace traditional ballot box pencils.

Since 1902, electoral laws have required ballot boxes to be "furnished with a pencil for the use of voters", but in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry the Australian Electoral Commission has asked to be given the option of voters using pens.

The plans comes amid moves to replace pencils for voting in state and overseas elections, although Australians have always had the right to bring their own pen on election day.

Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers has asked the inquiry, which is reviewing the July 2 federal election, to recommend the change to section 206 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act as technology for counting votes continues to improve.

"Pens may assist with processes to electronically capture marks from ballot papers, as per the new Senate [ballot] scanning process," the submission said.

"The AEC should have the flexibility to provide pens or pencils as the means to vote."


Pencils have long been considered cheaper and easier for election authorities around the world, with longer shelf life in warmer climates where pens can dry out between elections.

Former independent MP Clive Palmer is among those to have questioned the security of votes cast using pencil, warning after his narrow 2013 election win in the Queensland seat of Fairfax that pencil marks had been erased on some ballot papers.

NSW voters already use pens at state elections and West Australian voters will use pens for the first time next year.

Concern on social media and from conspiracy theorists saw election authorities tell voters they could bring a pen to vote in June's historic Brexit referendum on the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.

Other changes recommended by the AEC include legislative tweaks to allow identifying features or new colours be added to ballot papers, to better differentiate between electorates and House of Representatives and Senate ballots.

Existing rules require black type on all ballots, but the AEC has asked for flexibility to consider using different colours and new backgrounds.

Declaration ballots – used when a name or address can't be found on the list or if a voter is marked as having already voted – could be counted at the polling place, under a change proposed to save as much as two or three days work in the post election count.

Changes to the rules around applications for postal votes are also mooted, following debate about the Coalition's proposed plebiscite on same sex marriage.

The AEC has asked legislation to be changed so postal vote applications can only be made after the issuing of the writ for federal elections and referendums, as some voters seek postal vote applications once a date for elections is known but before formal processes begin.

Candidates could also be allowed to nominate for elections using email, alongside existing rules for fax nominations, which are considered out dated by the AEC.

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