
Going direct reduces costs when you give to charity

A few months ago I was having dinner at home with my family when the doorbell rang.

I opened the front door and there was a woman fundraising for a charity. I listened to her pitch but politely declined to sign up for a regular donation, and she went on her way.

Donating good-quality used goods is another way to help charity.
Donating good-quality used goods is another way to help charity. Photo: Jay Cronan

I went back inside and explained what happened to my husband and my mother, who was visiting. It was a good cause, I said, but I wouldn't sign up to a direct debit via face-to-face fundraising. This prompted some friendly debate about the most effective ways for charities to fundraise and individuals to give.

My reasoning was that I preferred to do my own research into charities, rather than commit on the spot. I also believed that more of my money would reach the cause if I donated proactively and directly to the charity, so they didn't have to pay fees or commissions to paid fundraising agents.

My husband found face-to-face fundraising intrusive and resented it as almost a quality-of-life issue. He works in the city centre and encounters fundraisers out on the street – sometimes derisively called charity muggers or "chuggers" – almost daily.

I could relate to his frustration, though I supported the right of the charity to use the method. I knew many people would only donate if asked, but I wasn't one of them. 


Meanwhile, my mother questioned our assumptions that the fundraisers were always paid, given that she knew people who went door-to-door for charities on a volunteer basis.

I agreed to research the topic.

While I might be resistant, it turns out 200,000 Australians make regular donations to charity as a result of face-to-face fundraising. More than $100 million is raised via this method each year, according to the Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA). 

These days, it's mostly through paid fundraising agents. "Gone are the days when charities were small and predominantly staffed by volunteers," says FIA chief executive Rob Edwards.

It should be clear whether the fundraiser is a volunteer or a paid agent.

Paul Tavatgis, chief executive of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) in Brisbane, says it's best practice for face-to-face fundraisers to wear ID badges that state if they are paid collectors or not. In some states, including NSW and Victoria, this is legally required.

In some states, including NSW and Queensland, the paid status also must be disclosed at the point of sign-up, either on the printed form or the iPad screen. In Victoria, the disclosure is on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website, though PFRA members are meant to disclose at the point of sign-up anyway.

The FIA's Edwards says face-to-face fundraising helps charities find new donors and is more cost-effective than some other fundraising methods such as television advertising.

"The fact is most people don't wake up thinking they'll give to charity today," Edwards says. "Charities have to spend money to raise money."

He adds that regular giving is more valued by charities than one-off donations.

Still, the fees charged by face-to-face fundraisers can be significant, equivalent to 19-25 per cent of the donor's gift over a typical period of three to five years, according to Edwards. It's not a simple skim off the top of a particular donation but part of the annual marketing budget set by the organisation.

If you do wake up wanting to give to charity then my instinct was right – you'll help reduce costs by going direct. Choose a charity based on the effectiveness of its programs, then ring up or go online to pledge a regular gift.

"If you want to make a difference, you can give directly, give generously and don't wait to be asked," Edwards says.

If your employer offers payroll giving, you can make donations via salary sacrifice and some companies will provide matching funds. If you give via direct debit, most charities will send you an annual statement at tax time.

The busiest times for charity fundraising are June for the end of the financial year and the lead-up to Christmas.

But now, at the start of a new financial year, is arguably the ideal time to set up a regular gift. It helps the charity set budgets, and it helps you maximise your tax deductions.

Then you can dodge the chuggers and turn down the doorknockers without a qualm.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is editor of Money. Connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.
