
Cutting company tax for small business is 'stupid'

There have been inquiries and White Papers into our tax system for as long as I can remember. The most recent, and the most comprehensive, was the Henry Tax Review, which handed down its findings in 2010. As invariably happens, the review was mostly ignored, but since then we've been subjected to a barrage of suggestions – many of which are simply stupid.

A crazy idea that looks like getting up – thanks to the backing of ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott – was based on the notion that government could give small business a much-needed boost by cutting their company tax by 1.5 per cent to 28.5 per cent. At the time, Abbott promised to consult widely, but to the best of my knowledge very little consultation took place.

Most small businesses would appreciate government assistance but not necessarily in the form of tax cuts.
Most small businesses would appreciate government assistance but not necessarily in the form of tax cuts. 

In any event, consultation is not necessary. Every small business owner I know would welcome assistance from the government, but a cut in the company tax rate is the last thing on their agenda.

For starters, many small business operators don't work through a company structure: they use a family trust or a partnership. This gives them maximum flexibility for tax purposes, and also allows them to take advantage of the 50 per cent CGT discount when they decide to call it quits. In most cases, these concessions are not available if a company is used.

The big issues for small business are excessive red tape, penalty rates, rising rents and utility costs, and the worst one of all, payroll tax. This is particularly unpopular as it taxes employment irrespective of company profitability, and the rate increases as employment grows. But it's a state tax, and the states are all strapped for cash: there is no way it's going to be repealed – especially not by the Turnbull government.

In any event, let's suppose a small business was particularly successful and made a taxable profit of $400,000 a year. At the current tax rate of 30 per cent, the tax would be $120,000. At the proposed rate of 28.5 per cent, the tax would be $114,000 – this is a saving of just $6000 on profits of $400,000. 


Then there is the issue of franking credits. Our dividend imputation system is the envy of the world, giving shareholders in a company credit for the tax paid by the company. If a small business works through a company, the net profits can only be taken out by the owners as salary or dividends. 

Reducing the rate of company tax would increase the amount available to be distributed to shareholders by way of dividends, but would also reduce the rate of the franking credit they could claim. So they would pay more tax on a dividend, which would wipe out any benefit from a company tax cut. The net result is no change in their after-tax dividend.

Tax specialists who work in the big accounting firms are unenthusiastic about a two-tiered company tax system, in which some companies pay a different rate to others.  They say all it would do is lead to unnecessary complication and expense.

Above all, a cut to the company tax rate sends the wrong message. For years, governments of all persuasions have been highlighting the parlous state of the country's finances, and proposing a wide range of cost-cutting measures to get us back in the black. These have included co-contributions for doctor's visits, a reduction in the rate of increase in the age pension and restrictions on superannuation. How can they possibly change course and single out small business for special treatment?

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. His advice is general in nature and readers should seek their own professional advice before making any financial decisions. Email:
