[SEB] Sebastien Chevrel, interactive media developer  function init() { for (var i=2001; i<2011; i++) toggle(i); } function toggle(year) { var rows=document.getElementsByClassName('y'+year); var button=document.getElementById('b'+year); var visibility=''; if (button) { if (button.innerHTML=='+') { button.innerHTML='-'; visibility=''; } else { button.innerHTML='+'; visibility='none'; } for(var i=0; i      Sébastien Chevrel document.write('seb@seb'+'.cc') | Linked in | GitHub Seb Chevrel is a freelance interactive media developer. Since 1996, he has participated in the production of many award-winning web sites and interactive installations for major cultural institutions and the entertainment industry. Seb usually contracts with design firms to help them define the technical architecture and implement their ideas quickly and efficiently.  Archived Client Projects     - 2014 Space Needle SkyPad™Belle & Wissell - 2013 ABMC World War I Timeline kioskBelle & Wissell Google IO Map Dive InstallationInstrument The Wisdom DailyDame Media Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum InteractivesTerra Incognita Umpqua Bank SF Flagship Store Interactive InstallationsBelle & Wissell - 2012 Museum of Flight Space Shuttle Missions: touch tableBelle & Wissell Icons of Science Fiction: interactive touch tableBelle & Wissell Prototyping interactivesDownstream Skunkworks Cinder developmentInstrument - 2011 Nirvana: Taking Punk to the Masses interactivesBelle & Wissell American Battle Monuments Commission: content management systemBelle & Wissell - 2010 4Culture Public Art map websiteBelle & Wissell Capsule Labs websiteCapsule Labs UW Paccar Hall Digital SignageBelle & Wissell - 2009 Black Diamond Equipment flash modulesSwift Collective Calculation Nation: Slam Ball & Square Off gamesInteractive Knowlege CNET wireless coverage maps prototypeRoot Wireless Google research prototypesGrid Plane Seattle Metropolitan real estate websiteSagcity Media The Taking of Pelham123: Hijack the siteKerosene Creative UBC Sports Hall of Fame CMSBelle & Wissell Washington State History Museum CMS and kiosksBelle & Wissell - 2008 Harley Davidson Museum CMS and kiosksBelle & Wissell Harley Davidson Hill Climb kioskBelle & Wissell Houses that Made History websiteSagcity Media Library of Congress Donor Wall displaySecond Story Normandy Campaign websiteBelle & Wissell Phix homepage animationSwift Collective Portland Monthly real estate websiteSagcity Media Preen website and CMSPreen Wing Luke Museum kioskBelle & Wissell - 2007 Digital Kitchen cmsBelle & Wissell The Diving Bell and the Butterfly websiteKerosene Creative Experience Music Project video engineBelle & Wissell Hairspray soundtrack CD gameKerosene Creative Sony HDNA websiteZaaz Umpqua Bank video wallFashion Buddha - 2006 Archaeology of WestPointGabe Kean Design Armory Theater donor wall projectionSecond Story Armory Theater box office kiosksSecond Story Disney Music Challenge interactive installationBelle & Wissell Pulizer Foundation for the arts flash homepageGrid Plane StartUp! exhibit kiosk flash moduleWeatherhead Design WW1 Museum portrait wallSecond Story - 2005 Alternet Estate Management web applicationAlternet Art of Modern Rock poster animationBorn Magazine The Enduring Power of Totem Poles websiteGabe Kean Design The New World movie websiteKerosene Creative Merck: 100 years of liquid crystal videoHornall Anderson The Space Needle Sky-Q prototypeHornall Anderson - 2004 Agami Systems CMSMark Wyner Allied Works website flash moduleDeep Play Burke Museum websiteGabe Kean Design Dall'Uva Wine importer websiteDall'Uva Vector Jet Card websiteHornall Anderson - 2003Employer Digital portrait gallery installationSecond Story PEM Artscape websiteSecond Story Zelda the windwaker websiteSecond Story - 2002 Animal Crossing websiteSecond Story Circle of stories websiteSecond Story Hirshhorn Museum websiteSecond Story Lewis and Clark websiteSecond Story Sept 11: Bearning witness to history websiteSecond Story Theban mapping project websiteSecond Story Yin Yu Tang websiteSecond Story - 2001 A more perfect union websiteSecond Story Artists of Brucke websiteSecond Story Janet Jackson: All for you websiteSecond Story Jasenovac: Holocaust Era in Croatia wesiteSecond Story Mark Twain websiteSecond Story Mick Jagger: Goddess in the doorway websiteSecond Story Remembering Pearl Harbor websiteSecond Story Sleeping Giants: afterlife in the desert websiteSecond Story The Volvo ocean race websiteSecond Story  Personal Experiments        

 Music  More music on Soundcloud.


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