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Sexual assaults increase over New Year's in Victoria

It's a time for celebration, but the final week of the year can also be dangerous.

Sexual assaults can spike in the week leading up to New Year's, doubling or even tripling some years in a surge driven by opportunistic predators and family violence.

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Which crimes increase over the New Year?

The Crime Statistics Agency show certain criminal increases during the festive season.

A Fairfax Media analysis of crime data shows that in the final week of 2013, there were 639 sexual assaults reported, compared with around 200 reported in a typical week that year.

 One year later, as 2014 wound up, the tally was lower but still bad - there were 488 sexual assaults - 267 more than the weekly average for that financial year. 

But perhaps the city is getting safer in the countdown to New Year's Eve. 


Last year, as 2015 ticked into 2016, the number of sexual assault reports didn't surge but remained stable - 247 reports against an average tally of 241. 

Inspector Ian Geddes of Victoria Police said a lot of sex offences were opportunistic and potential offenders would not strike if they knew police were out in force.

Herein could lie one solution: more police moving through those end-of-year crowds. 

"We reduce the opportunity, so then it is only natural we reduce the offending".

The final week of the year is also a high-risk time for other assaults. 

Significantly more assaults have also been committed between Boxing Day and New Year's Day in recent years than the weekly average, the Crime Statistics Agency figures show.

In the final week of 2014,  there were 1016 assaults - 302 more than the average. But assaults  also dropped in 2015, back to 889 between December 26 and January 1.


Victoria Police is hoping more police on patrol will deter offenders again this year.

They have also struck a psychological blow against sex offenders in recent months, encouraging more reporting and even in some cases republishing photos victims snapped of their alleged culprits.

Inspector Geddes said the decrease was because of a more visible police presence at end-of-the-year sporting events and celebrations, as well as more responsible behaviour from Victorians.

"Police numbers are bolstered over Christmas and New Year's," he said. "There is no winding down time for us."

But domestic violence also drives up crime figures for this time of year, as abusive family members set out to tarnish what should be a happy time of year.

Victoria Police spokeswoman Lisa Beechey said 53 per cent of assaults and 40 per cent of sexual assaults between Boxing Day and New Year's Day were family violence related.

That's a slightly higher proportion than the rest of the year, when 50 per cent of assaults and 36 per cent of sexual assaults are family violence-related.

For Domestic Violence Victoria chief executive Fiona McCormack, the figures come as no surprise.

"The stats reflect what family services see every holiday season. We always see a stark increase," she said.

"For police, emergency services and family violence services, the number of women who contact them for support will only increase. It is a time when family violence services are busiest - it is not necessarily a holiday for them."

She said some abusive men behaved badly around other family members during the holiday period as part of a strategy to isolate the woman so her extended family would not want to meet up again.

But she said abusive relationships can reach a "tipping point" during this week, leading the victim and their family members to report the violence to police.

"Sometimes things are so bad - particularly at a time when families are supposed to be happy and kids are supposed to feel safe - that it highlights to a woman that it is a time to seek support," she said.

The crime figures also show that intervention order breaches, harassment and property damage offences rise during the holiday period.