The future is mystic.
It holds many wonders.
It’s beauty and sorrow we will ever encounter.
The face of the unknown is casting it’s shadow.
A vision deep within us will be our guiding light.
Pathways we’ve followed
All through our lifetime
Leave far behind us the dust of memory.
Yet, on the horizon
A vision of fortune
Will live deep within us
And be our guiding light.
— Song memory of Allyson
With uncertain times ahead in 2017, we reflect on the past year, our accomplishments and our short-fallings, and envision the coming year. Our deepest spiritual identity calls us into service. We probe the depths of our souls and ask ourselves, “What is the stand I am taking in my life? What is my purpose in God’s design and how can I deliver on my soul’s contract with reality?”
We pray, Great Spiritual Source, help us design a future worth living for and activate our greatest gifts for the world. May I initiate steps each day toward realizing the highest vision to which you call me.
While in your deepest spiritual identity, centered in meditation, ask what actions you can offer for the benefit of the most beings. Imagine exciting creative futures you gladly welcome into your life.
We are a stand for love through our relationships, and creativity through our unique expressions. Visionary allies, we are a community embedding spiritual values in enduring architecture. We are building a temple together. Co-create Entheon, Sanctuary of Visionary Art, with us at CoSM for the Love Tribe world-wide, and for unknown friends in the future none of us will ever meet.
Let Entheon be a symbol that turns on the temple of your own being. Build with us. We’ve borrowed all we can and still, CoSM must raise $250k to finish the interior and extensive site work before we can open in late 2017. This year, the fiftieth anniversary of the Summer of Love, consider becoming part of CoSM’s great big art project. Donate to Entheon.
The Voice at Dawn said:
We have an opportunity to build something extraordinary together.
I am the architect of reality. You are my builders.
I will work with you when called to solve a problem you cannot.
How do we raise the funds to build the Chapel and attendant buildings?
Continue to go to the people who care.
Tell them I have asked you to ask them.
There are many souls planted into your life who have the means to help.
They know who they are.
They will step forward if you continue to ask.
It is not you asking.
It is me, the architect of reality.
I am the voice of space, the body of time.
I am the foreigners God and the glint in your best friends eye.
I formed the arches in the dome of heaven.
I laid the foundation of the elements.
I raised the walls of the mountains.
I am the Master Builder,
The Shaper of your thoughts, and the Sun that fuels them.
I sculpt all creatures. I paint all colors of all surfaces.
I am the Artist of All Creation, and I am calling to you now.
Build Me a Temple out of heaven and earth
In honor of all paths to spirit, for all beings to worship in.
Move the material world into the shapes and formations for which I provide guidance.
The Temple will help purify the elements through prayer stations with prayer wheels
The Temple will display symbols of macro and microcosm
Placing humanity and the web of life into proper relationship with the cosmos.
The effect of entering the Temple will erase much negative karma
Through programmed crystal magnetics and
The lodestone of the Black Madonna of Space,
In a chamber for the extraction of deep seated negativities and illnesses of all diseases.
The healing energy of Christ has been stored in the heart of the land
And is waiting to be released.
Holy Fire will kindle the love to uplift a suffering world.
Behold, I make all things new.
You will see. Miracles await.
Work with sacred brothers and sisters.
We will work together and solve every challenge.
Do this with me and people will be served and saved
And turned to goodness by the example we provide.
Life is a test you grade yourself.
And God is the only answer.
Come Build with Me.
— Alex Grey
Love to all of our friends. We are so grateful to greet a New Year with you once again.
Higher Society New Years Eve
Denver City Hall with Alex & Allyson
Ring in the New Year in Denver with Alex & Allyson! Celebrate with Higher Society and Sensi Magazine where the Grey’s look forward to celebrating and discussing the historic conjunction of Cannabis and Creativity, and leading the opening prayer and chatting about Transformative Sacramental Culture. They will meet guests and paint on stage along-side of one of the Denver area’s Visionary power couples, the extraordinary artists, Randal Roberts & Morgan Mandala.
Dance the night away to music performances by DJ All-Stars Random Rab and Quixotic. Enchanted Visionary projections provided by the inimitable light slinger, Johnathan Singer.
Glassblowers, industry vendors, and a VIP consumption lounge at the MetLo RoofTop.
Be with us for this unforgettable New Year’s Celebration!
CoSM Open Hours:
Explore winters beauty. Make CoSM a holiday destination this season. CoSM is open to day visitors noon – 6pm, Friday, Saturday and Monday. Closed New Years Day. Bring love ones and cosmic friends for a wintery walk in the woods. Then sip chai by the blazing fireplace while contemplating exquisite Visionary Art.
The Mushroom Cafe and CoSM Shop are open serving divine food and artful gifts. Set your intentions for the New Year in a sacred space this weekend or weekday at CoSM.
Yoga Wednesdays @ CoSM:
with Emily Rose
7:30pm – 8:30pm
Experience your flowing breath with mindful sequential movement. Rejuvenate the spirit with Emily and increase strength and flexibility. Practice refining your grounding and balance. Detoxify your body through the movement of water and ignite your core fire.
Empower your breath and your soul. Come with an open heart and leave yoga practice feeling peaceful and rejuvenated. $10 donation requested for yoga class. Mats available. All levels of experience welcome.
Alex & Allyson