Online marketplace Beam taps hidden talent pool of stay-at-home mums

Founders of online job marketplace Beam Australia, Victoria Stuart and Stephanie Reuss, intend to take on the gig ...
Founders of online job marketplace Beam Australia, Victoria Stuart and Stephanie Reuss, intend to take on the gig economy over sustainable workplace flexibility. Supplied

A new online marketplace is offering high-level, part-time jobs for mums to combat the "false promise" of flexibility offered by the gig economy.

Beam, which is in its pilot stage and will have its official launch early next year, intends to tap into the hidden workforce of stay-at-home parents by offering them work during school hours, with jobs starting at 9:30am and ending at 2:30pm.

Its founders Victoria Stuart and Stephanie Reuss, who previously worked at Google and business advisory giant Corporate Executive Board respectively, said they started the company after becoming parents themselves and seeing how difficult it was for women to maintain leadership positions after having children.

Tapping into the talent pool

Ms Stuart said degree-qualified mothers had become accustomed to the idea of taking on freelance gigs or low-skilled administrative jobs while they raised their children.

However, they ignored the fact "so many lateral-thinking small to medium enterprises would do anything to attract that talent" and were willing to offer flexible hours to invest in the long term.

"Look at the whole talent pool of amazing women who dropped out of the workforce and who have a wealth of knowledge that remains untapped," Ms Stuart said.

"We said let's prevent that from going to waste and think about how to mobilise those people to get back into the workforce."

Beam is working with SMEs, including ticketing firm Eventbrite and female hygiene start-up TOM Organic, to offer parents high-level management and executives positions in temporary and part-time arrangements.

Targeting gazelle companies

Private sector initiative and NSW government-backed "Jobs for NSW" provided Ms Stuart and Ms Reuss with a $5845 grant to scale and grow the online marketplace. The fund aims to invest in gazelles – companies that start small and grow rapidly – to fuel jobs growth.

Beam arrives as the gig economy has undergone a dramatic expansion in Australia over recent months, with mothers now using smartphone apps such as Airtasker to do odd jobs while their children are at day care.

However, Ms Reuss said Beam aimed to fill in the gaps left by gig work, including job security and high-skilled work.

"The gig economy is a bit of a false promise for flexibility – what employees really want is an organisation that provides flexibility and work-life balance but also provides a deeper connection to the purpose of what they're doing and financial stability as well."

She said apps such as Uber "might be a big thing now but those transactional jobs are going to be automated so where does that leave the gig economy?

"What we believe is that while people are opting into this gig economy it may not be sustainable for them because they've got no other choice, no other destination to go for other flexible roles."