In Canberra, small guys deliver the future of health

Peter McKie with iSimulate's  medical simulation equipment, which has also starred in a TV drama.
Peter McKie with iSimulate's medical simulation equipment, which has also starred in a TV drama. Rohan Thomson

Imagine a world in which drones deliver easy-to-use defibrillators to roadside accidents, where smart pills remind dementia patients to take their medication and your driverless car has a better understanding of your physical and mental health than your spouse.

All these, and a real-life version of Star Trek's "Tricorder" capable of diagnosing at least a dozen diseases from a single portable medical device, will soon be a reality – the winner of an international competition to build the working Tricorder will walk away with $10 million in the first half of 2017.

This sci-fi sounding future is something Australia's leading health industry entrepreneurs are already factoring into their business plans.

Seeing Machines CEO Ken Kroeger says the future is all about creating machine empathy.
Seeing Machines CEO Ken Kroeger says the future is all about creating machine empathy. Rohan Thomson

Three businesses iSimulate, Seeing Machines and Aspen Medical have all adopted to varying degrees the credo that "small is the new big", exporting smaller, smart technology to the world, and coincidentally keeping their headquarters in Australia's biggest small town, Canberra.

Aspen Medical, Canberra's big fish in small pond, made international news when it won an international tender to coordinate the US, British and Australian governments' response to Ebola.

iSimulate converts ordinary iPads into high-tech medical training devices, Seeing Machines puts tiny cameras into planes, trains, trucks and cars that can read a driver's facial expressions and wake them up in case they fall asleep.

Grey's Anatomy

A couple of months ago, former paramedic Peter McKie discovered his iSimulate product – a deceptively simple idea of making an iPad mimic an $80,000 high-tech resuscitation kit for training emergency doctors and paramedics – made a seven-second cameo appearance on TV medical drama Grey's Anatomy.

Seeing Machines' technology allows icons to be activated with your eyes.
Seeing Machines' technology allows icons to be activated with your eyes.

"We built a bag that looks like a monitor and we popped the iPad inside a yellow bag so it looked like the real thing in every single way," he says.

In less than five years, that simple idea has turned into a successful export business with $5 million in sales and 13 distributors in Europe, Britain, Asia and the Middle East.

The iSimulate system has gained such acceptance in the medical establishment that every new paediatrician in Australia and New Zealand is now trained on the equipment to look after children in an emergency situation.

In America, every emergency doctor is required to practice on an iSimulate system before being certified. And the European Resuscitation Council is using the system in all of its new manuals to train paediatricians across the continent.

Aspen Medical's Glenn Keys (left), with Dr Andrew Walker in Canberra, believes firms must look for new, more efficient ...
Aspen Medical's Glenn Keys (left), with Dr Andrew Walker in Canberra, believes firms must look for new, more efficient ways of delivering health services. Sean Davey

Democratisation of health

It's all part of the growing democratisation of health, where even lay people in remote areas can deliver increasingly sophisticated health services.

"Things are getting smaller and smarter," McKie says.

"It's not terribly far off where you'll see drones delivering defibrillators to people. Traffic for instance is a major issue but if you have a drone, you'll have the drone dropping a defibrillator to a person – and it will talk to them saying now do this, now do that."

That's only the start of it, according to Ken Kroeger, chief executive of the London Stock Exchange-listed Seeing Machines.

Contrary to suggestions the rise of driverless cars would nix the need for Seeing Machines' driver alert system, Kroeger says the opposite is the case because manufacturers are demanding proof human "drivers" remain engaged in the operation of their vehicle instead of watching movies or sleeping on the job.

"The future is all about creating machine empathy and that comes about by understanding a face: facial expressions, we can extract heart rates through your skin, moving, yearning, coughing, levels of fatigue," Kroeger says.

"There's quite a lot of work about the change in diameter of your pupil and that's linked to how hard you are working, to your cognitive thinking."

Italian luxury cars

Not long ago Seeing Machines met with an Italian automotive brand of such prestige that their mostly older wealthy male customers wanted to drive their cars, not hand it over to some robot.

But that demographic is also prone to stroke, heart attacks and blackouts and the car manufacturer wanted to discuss installing the Seeing Machines technology to monitor its customers' health.

"There's a good chance that it will be your car that will monitor your health because your car sees you everyday," Kroeger says.

Glenn Keys, co-founder of Aspen Medical which employs 2500 people worldwide, believes health innovation will bring the next big wave of economic and social change.

"I think we have a tendency to think innovation relates to two 17-year olds sitting in a garage developing some tech or an app," Keys says.

It can be as simple as using the anti-bacterial paint in Aspen's fleet of mobile surgical units. That made it possible for the run-down Moree Hospital to complete 349 procedures, including 56 emergency cases, using the units and saving $300,000 while the hospital was being refurbished.

Keys says the challenge was to look for new, more efficient ways of delivering health services ranging from retraining burly former BHP steelworkers as aged carers in Newcastle, to using the insurance industry to encourage suburban GP clinics to shift from a quantity-based business model to financial incentives for successful preventative medicine.

Smart pills

Wearable technology Fitbits are old news and digestibles, or "smart pills", will remind people to take their medicine at the correct time and the correct dose, and high-tech exoskeletons will help the disabled.

But in all this change also lie daunting and difficult ethical questions for society, not least in advances in genetic-technology that allow people to edit their own genes to in an effort to extend life-expectancies and eliminate genetic diseases.

"Look I've got a son with an intellectual disability, he's got Down Syndrome," Keys says.

"I'm a much better person because he's in my life. I think the world is a much better place because he's here.

"But do you want a future where we don't have any disabilities? Is that a future and a world we want?

 "All of these things are scary to us until we turn on the light, look at them and talk about it."