ACT News

Hot weather and high humidity set to continue until Friday

 With a string of 30-plus days ahead this week, there is no better time to pack up a picnic of leftovers and head out to discover the capital's best swimming holes.

With a beach umbrella, cold drinks and a juicy watermelon in tow, Natasha O'Connor and Sophia Millwood's plan was to laze about on towels at Gibraltar Falls and get relief from the heat and a break after a busy weekend with family.

However, with the peak of the day's heat beating down on the rocks, the waterfall's pools became busy with bodies trying to cool off.

Weatherzone meteorologist Kim Westcott said humidity levels were between 50 and 60 per cent and daily temperatures were forecast to remain above 30 degrees until New Year's Eve.

Thursday is forecast to be the warmest day this week, reaching a high of 33 degrees, with overnight temperatures of 21 and 20 degrees on Thursday and Friday nights.

"Some days it might be a bit uncomfortable, especially with those warm overnight temperatures on Thursday and Friday," she said. 


"Humidity makes it feel a little bit warmer. Most mornings this week will be somewhere between 50 to 60 per cent humidity but the afternoons will be drier, something close to 40 per cent." 

North-westerly winds will change and come from the south-east, bringing a cool change for Canberra. 

"We will notice it will be a bit cooler in the mornings, the overnight temperature for Monday will be 13 degrees which is something most people will be looking forward to." 

But Canberrans should make hay while the sun shines as wet weather is likely to hit over the weekend.

"We have a low-pressure trough coming through before the wind change comes," Ms Westcott said.

"It is the same weather system we are seeing in South Australia at the moment but by the time it comes across to NSW and ACT it will be weaker and not as wet as we have seen it there."