

The unlikely man to lead the fight against the rise of intolerance: Prince Charles

I hadn't picked Prince Charles as the leader of an establishment fight against the populist encouragement of religious intolerance, but if that's the fight he's leading, I'm following, republican or not.

True, one speech by the next king of Australia is unlikely to become the pivot around which the Western world turns to rediscover that at its liberal heart is the staunch defence of the persecuted.

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Prince Charles calls for tolerance

In his annual Christmas message on BBC radio Prince Charles has spoken about the importance of religious freedom. Source: BBC Radio

Yet despite its probable futility, the prince's Christmas message - delivered in that most establishment of ways on the BBC's Radio 4, and three days before his mother's - was a timely intervention in a world overrun by fearsome propaganda peddled by the anti-migration brigades.

He came to the BBC with what should be a standard exhortation to the world: to keep living the lessons of last century's horrors, and to give safe haven to those seeking refuge. He noted the rise of attacks on Christians in the Middle East, as well as on Jews, Yazidis, Ahmadis and Baha'is, and that an unfathomable 65 million people each year are now fleeing their homes.

He noted the story of the nativity was, at its heart, that of a family fleeing persecution, and that the prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina to practise his faith.

"We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive towards those who adhere to a minority faith," he warned. "All of this has deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days of the 1930s.


"I was born in 1948 - just after the end of World War II in which my parents' generation had fought, and died, in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and an inhuman attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe. That, nearly 70 years later, we should still be seeing such evil persecution is, to me, beyond all belief. We owe it to those who suffered and died so horribly not to repeat the horrors of the past."

Yet here we are, at the end of an awful year, with the populist right on the march in the US, in much of Europe, in the Philippines, even in Australia.

The primary and tragic lesson of this year seems to be that politics rewards intolerance, with its practitioners either willfully ignorant of history or in defiance of it.

Donald Trump's wall, Nigel Farage's Brexit, Peter Dutton's sinister claim Australia was mistaken in providing safe harbour to so many Lebanese migrants in the 1970s. Three buffoons, the actions of the first two shocking and destabilising the world, the actions of Dutton shocking only that he remains an actual minister in an actual government.

The prince's intervention came after the truck attack in Berlin claimed by Islamic State, but before news of another foiled terror attack, in Melbourne. It also came before another astonishing deterioration in world peace and security, the apparent restart of the nuclear arms race between Washington and Moscow.

Look for no further evidence than that for the proposition that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

(An aside to mention a self-evident truth: anyone who quotes Winston Churchill should be shot, as often what is quoted was never said by Churchill - like the last sentence, for which there is no record of him ever saying - or it has little to do with the quoter's point, if there is one. Inspirational quotations are a monstrous plague, especially when combined with cursive writing over a picture of the sunset.)

Obviously, I must now quote Churchill.

In a letter to a friend after finishing his five-part account of the First World War, The World Crisis, in 1931, he wrote: "How strange it is that the past is so little understood and so quickly forgotten. We live in the most thoughtless of ages. Every day headlines and short views."

What is strange is his premature conclusion. His words came 85 years too soon, and this year is proof of the nadir of human thoughtlessness. It's been an entirely hopeless year, which has little to recommend it other than as an example to not repeat. The lesson of political expediency does not have to be heeded.

So, in 2017, may Australian politics move on from idiotic debates, like whether to make it easier to be publicly racist, a position usually justified by criticism from privileged people who should know better than to think human rights are somehow a threat to Australian democracy rather than the legal embodiment of it.

May we rediscover the fulfillment in the fair go, in not jumping to conclusions, in respecting others, and in all the joyous diversity of modern Australia. Happy new year.

Tim Dick is a Sydney lawyer. Twitter: dick_tim


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