Has the BNP Christmas Card used this picture of a little girl ILLEGALLY?

BNP Christmas Card

So we’ve all seen the BNP Christmas card right? White Christmas? An unpleasant double meaning there If there’s any doubt that the BNP are pushing a racially motivated Christmas card then read the inside. Islamification this, immigrants that. It’s a bigoted buzzword bingo. The BNP aren’t just playing the race card, they’re sending it   … Continue reading

BNP white Christmas card alienates few remaining sympathisers of floundering far-right party


British National Party accused of racism over ‘White Christmas’ card (circled in green)(BNP) The British National Party (BNP) may be flat on its back as a political force, but it still has the capacity to offend, as a new card wishing supporters a “White Christmas” shows. A seasonal greeting card by the far-right group carries the … Continue reading


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Pardon us if, after last Sunday’s wipe-out of the BNP at the Euro-Election count, Liveraf activists enjoy a few minutes of exultation. No, the BNP isn’t going to go away, not for a while at any rate, neither are any of the other insects of the far right. And we have to face the grim … Continue reading

BNP European election leaflets ‘illegal,’ say police

Promotional literature lacked legally required imprint THE BNP’s European election campaign has been thrown into disarray after promotional leaflets posted through thousands of letterboxes in Nick Griffin’s own constituency were found to be illegal, it was announced yesterday. Police are investigating days before polling day after a number of residents in the north west found … Continue reading

BNP Election Broadcast Featuring Muslim ‘Gangs’ Fails To Go Ahead On BBC

BNP Election Broadcast

The BBC did not show a vile BNP cartoon featuring leering Muslim gangs as its party political broadcast, after the party deciding to submit a somewhat hurried substitute of a bloke talking in a room for four minutes. The corporation said on Wednesday that contrary to the BNP’s claims of “censorship”, it did not actually … Continue reading

‘Whites only’ foodbank launched by the BNP

The BNP has been accused of launching ‘whites only’ foodbanks in a bid to win election votes. The party has been practically falling apart at the seams over the last year or so, after their usual tactic of blaming the world’s problems on minorities and immigrants failed to win them enough votes. So in an … Continue reading

MoD condemns ‘immoral’ BNP for exploiting brutal murder of Lee Rigby in campaign video

BNP Gallows

The brutal murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby is being exploited by the British National Party in a bid to win support ahead of next month’s European elections, The Independent can reveal. A BNP campaign video which plays on the death of the young soldier has been condemned as “immoral” by the Ministry of Defence and … Continue reading

BNP accused of using ‘food bank’ handouts to win support

Go On Love Have a Bite

British National Party activists are going door to door with mobile food banks in a bid to win support ahead of the local and European elections, The Independent can reveal. The far-right party has even produced a YouTube instruction video to teach volunteers how to build trust with voters in deprived areas by offering soup, … Continue reading

BNP leader Nick Griffin’s bodyguard arrested. Homophobic abuse allegation prompts police visit to BNP fundraiser to arrest the bodyguard of leader Nick Griffin


Nick Griffin’s bodyguard Martin Reynolds is led away in handcuffs Photo: @hopenothate The bodyguard of British National Party leader Nick Griffin has been arrested by police investigating homophobic abuse allegations. Martin Reynolds, 46, was taken into police custody from a fundraising event for the far-right party in St Helens on Saturday night. Merseyside Police confirmed officers … Continue reading

BNP Takes 50 People On Strasbourg Jaunt To Christmas Markets Despite Criticising EU Waste


The BNP has defended taking 50 people on a taxpayer-subsidised jaunt to Strasbourg. The party, which regularly rails against “wasteful” use of funds by the EU, admitted it would scrap the sponsored visits scheme if it was in charge. But in the meantime, it is inviting people to accompany Nick Griffin MEP on the two-night … Continue reading