Ex-BNP chiefs accused of £1m fraud on GLA and taxman

Senior British National Party members took part in a “long-term criminal enterprise” to defraud the Greater London Authority and HM Revenue and Customs, according to court papers. Richard Barnbrook, the £53,000-a-year member of the London Assembly, was involved in a complex fraud where bankrupt firms were allowed to continue trading, defrauding the taxman and other … Continue reading

Revealed: international far-right network that lies behind the EDL

The network of shadowy strategists behind the English Defence League is now under the spotlight as the identities of its leading figures are revealed. The group of viciously Islamophobic ideologues supports and brings together far-right racist and fascist groups across Europe. It has been centrally involved in the EDL from its beginnings in 2009 and … Continue reading

BNP facing accusations of fraud

  Mr Griffin accused the BBC and Panorama of bias in the reporting of the BNP The British National Party is under investigation by the European Union and the Metropolitan Police for alleged fraud and breaches of electoral law. The dual investigations come as a former BNP administrator told the BBC’s Panorama programme that she … Continue reading

BNP leader Nick Griffin isolated after election disasters. Key figures threaten to form breakaway group as party chairman faces second leadership challenge in less than 12 months.

Nick Griffin has led the BNP since 1999, but is now seen as an ­electoral liability by many senior ­party members.  The British National party’s dominance of far-right politics in the UK is under threat for the first time in a decade after a string of poor election results and a growing rebellion against its … Continue reading

BNP chairman may face high court over bills from Newton Aycliffe firm

Invoices from a North-East firm that are said to be unpaid could see British National Party chairman Nick Griffin brought before the High Court. A judge has ordered papers be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions after hearing of an alleged breach in election expense rules following last May’s General Election. The case centres … Continue reading

BNP expels Richard Barnbrook as bitter feud threatens to tear apart party. Senior figure’s membership of far-right group ended after failed attempt to unseat leader Nick Griffin

Richard Barnbrook has been expelled from the BNP in an increasingly bitter feud with Nick Griffin. Photograph: Andy Paradise / Rex Features Richard Barnbrook, one of the British National party’s most senior figures, has been expelled as part of an increasingly bitter feud threatening to engulf the far-right organisation. The London Assembly member, who was … Continue reading

Debts, lawsuits and internal feuding cast doubt on future of BNP

Nick Griffin’s leadership threatened by crisis in far-right politics The British National Party faces a financial and political crisis with crippling debts and an internal rebellion which could spell the end of the far-right group as a significant electoral force. The party has a deficit of at least £500,000 and could face up to 12 … Continue reading

BNP’s London assembly man resigns whip. Richard Barnbrook’s resignation has fuelled speculation that the British National Party is on the verge of unravelling

BNP councillor Richard Barnbrook has resigned the party whip. Photograph: Graeme Robertson The British National party’s sole representative on the London assembly has resigned the party whip amid speculation that the BNP is on the verge of unravelling. Richard Barnbrook, who lost his Barking and Dagenham council seat earlier this year, is understood to have … Continue reading

Challengers fail to get backing to force BNP contest

 A British National Party leadership contest has ended after three candidates hoping to challenge Nick Griffin failed to win enough support. None of the candidates got the required 840 signatures of long-term party members needed to force a full ballot. Pub landlord Derek Adams got four votes, London Assembly member Richard Barnbrook received 23 and … Continue reading

BNP beaten by Labour in east London byelections

Far-right party hoped to win back council seats in Barking and Chadwell lost in general election Richard Barnbrook, who stood in the council elections in Barking . Photograph: Graham Turner The BNP has lost its chance to regain the party’s former east London stronghold as voters once again backed Labour in local byelections, a trend … Continue reading