BNP accused of exploiting refugee crisis ahead of today’s Croydon protest

Clifford Le May

Video: Clifford Le May Anti-fascists will meet head-on with British National Party (BNP) activists outside a Croydon immigration centre today. Unite Against Fascism (UAF) accused the BNP of exploiting a “toxic political climate” by planning a rally outside Lunar House, the Home Office’s main immigration centre. The protesters said the far-right party was “trying to … Continue reading

Rock Against Racism – how an artistic movement took on the National Front


A forthcoming exhibition at Autograph ABP gallery will showcase the work of Syd Shelton as he photographed the Rock Against Racism concerts between 1976 and 1981. Rock Against Racism (RAR) was a meeting of musicians and artists and political activists. Working together, they promoted racial harmony and understanding in the fraught political environment of the late … Continue reading

Katie Hopkins Questioned By Police Over Allegations Of Incitement Of Racial Hatred Over Migrants Column

File photo dated 7/1/2015 of Katie Hopkins, who will not face any charges over a Twitter outburst that described Scottish people as "little sweaty jocks".

Katie Hopkins has been questioned by police over allegations of incitement of racial hatred. The matter is believed to be in connection with a controversial column published in The Sun on 17 April. In the wake of a capsizing in which 400 migrants are believed to have drowned,Hopkins wrote a piece entitled ‘Rescue boats? I’d … Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE: New Brighton march of solidarity shows attack thugs there’s no place for racism in Merseyside.


Alex May leads the march in New Brighton earlier this afternoon. Picture: Paul Heaps A PEACEFUL march of solidarity took place in New Brighton in support of a man injured during a suspected racial attack on the resort’s promenade. More than 50 well-wishers made their way from the Floral Pavilion to Marine Point, near the … Continue reading

The Vast, Hidden Community Of Racial Hatred In America


CREDIT: AP PHOTO/DAVID GOLDMAN After Dylann Roof opened fire on worshippers gathered inside the historically black Emanuel A.M.E Church in Charleston, South Carolina last month, allegedly killing nine congregants and claiming that they “rape our women” and “are taking over our country,” a disturbing image circulated online. A Facebook picture of Roof sitting on top … Continue reading


Puflea outside the Holiday Inn hotel where she was refused accommodation A student was turned away by the Holiday Inn Express because staff thought she was a Romanian prostitute, it has emerged. The hotel chain has apologised “profusely” after 22-year-old Alecsandra Puflea tried to check in to a room in Hull with her boyfriend earlier … Continue reading

Are Cinemas Afraid To Show French Skinhead Movie?


Filmmaker Diasteme’s new movie suggests links between neo-Nazis and France’s third largest party the National Front. He says cinemas are now dropping the film. Screenshot from “Un Francais” PARIS — A French film set to be released next week plunges viewers into the country’s neo-Nazi and skinhead subcultures. But while critics have been largely positive, the film’s director says the … Continue reading

Racist EDL supporters arrested during demo

SIX supporters of the racist English Defence League were arrested in Halifax in West Yorkshire on Saturday during a demonstration. Around 150 racists marched in a tightly packed bunch with a close police escort surrounding them. The racists were reported to have drunk heavily in local pubs before the march, culminating in a demonstration outside … Continue reading

Racist Letter Tells Black Family To Leave Neighborhood

A family in suburban New York discovered a letter in their mailbox that, in no uncertain terms, told them to move out of the neighborhood because “it will be better for all of us.” Ronica Copes of Lindenhurst posted the letter on Facebook on Thursday: “Unbelievable but then it’s not,” Copes said on Facebook. The … Continue reading

Nick Griffin faces legal threat for using photo of kilted black men to mock SNP


Photographer Daniele Tamagni was furious that Mr Griffin had used one of his pictures without permission for the purposes of ‘disgusting racist propaganda’ Nick Griffin is facing possible legal action from an award-winning Italian photographer angered at the former British National Party leader’s use of one of his images in a tweet. Daniele Tamagni, who … Continue reading