Ukip muzzles foot-in-mouth candidates by ordering them to avoid discussing RSPCA and moral issues

A leaked document, seen by the Mirror, has revealed how Nigel Farage’s party is also instructing candidates not to attend meetings on abortion.   Goodbye gaffes? Nigel Farage’s party has told candidates not to discuss moral issues  UKIP has banned candidates from backing the RSPCA or giving their opinions “on moral issues” during the general … Continue reading

UKIP’s Farage Faces Battle To Win Kent Seat

His first week has been dogged by accusations he simply isn’t in South Thanet enough and that he isn’t engaged in local issues. “It’s 10% Nige”, “oh that’s much too strong for me” suggests Nigel Farage as he decides what pint to drink next. We are in Margate, with an all too familiar scene, the … Continue reading

Britain First member arrested after threatening anti-UKIP protesters (video)

A member of far-right group Britain First has been arrested on suspicion of assault after the group attempted to invade a meeting of anti-UKIP protesters. Britain First published a video online of their members looking for revenge against the group that confronted Nigel Farage with his family at a Kent pub last month about UKIP’s policies … Continue reading

UKIP absorbs Britain’s far-right

  English Defense League march. Newcastle, 2010. [Gavin Lynn/Flickr] Sparsely attended far-right rallies in Britain highlight the decline of a movement in disarray, but experts say that some of its ideas have found new expression in the Eurosceptic UKIP ahead of elections in May. Anti-fascist demonstrators outnumbered the roughly 400 people at a raucous English … Continue reading

Britain First launch retaliation attack in defence of Nigel Farage

Britain First: “If you overstep the mark you will find us on your doorstep.” Far right extremists Britain First last night launched a retaliation attack on campaigners who recently confronted Nigel Farage at his local pub. Shouting “left-wing scum, off our streets” the Britain First activists tried to force their way into a meeting being … Continue reading

Vote Ukip, says far-right group Britain First

Letters and leaflets currently being distributed by Britain First effectively endorse Nigel Farage’s party Britain First, the far-right political party responsible for vigilante “invasions” of mosques and a campaign against the “Islamification” of Britain, has told its supporters to help deliver “major Ukip gains” at the general election. Letters and leaflets currently being distributed by … Continue reading

Ukip MEP Janice Atkinson suspended and axed as election candidate over ‘serious financial allegations’

 Nigel Farage’s party said it was ‘incredibly disappointed’ with her ‘poor judgement’ but did not give further details of the claims Ukip has removed the whip from MEP Janice Atkinson and axed her as a general election candidate following “allegations of a serious financial nature”. The party would not give further details on the claims, … Continue reading

Britain’s race issue: now and then

Channel 4’s Britain’s Racist Election about the notorious 1964 Smethwick campaign sheds light on our current political climate, says Jasper Rees Controversial: Peter Griffiths campaigning in Smethwick in 1964 in Britain’s Racist Election, Channel 4, 10.00pm Photo: Express & Star Race is proving to be this election’s hot potato, with the meteoric rise of Ukiplinked by … Continue reading

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is desperate to create a green and unpleasant land

IB Times – Nigel Farage thinks Britain has fundamentally changed when it comes to attitudes to race and is now as colour-blind as he claims to be himself.  If we needed further proof of the deep unpleasantness of Ukip Nigel Farage served it up in bucketloads yesterday. When asked by a Channel 4 documentary if there … Continue reading

Ukip would get rid of Minister for Women and Equalities, says MEP Janice Atkinson

Her speech was met with a round of applause at a Ukip conference A Ukip MEP said that she would scrap the role of a minister dedicated to policies regarding women, ethnic minority and LGBT issues. Janice Atkinson – who infamously apologised for referring to a Thai supporter of Ukip as a “ting-tong from somewhere” … Continue reading