General Election 2015: UKIP vote surge across Merseyside

Ukip secure second place across number of Mersey constituencies as poll share increases Ukip leader Nigel Farage UKIP increased its share of the poll massively on Merseyside – becoming the second biggest party in a number of constituencies. While Nigel Farage’s party made no gains, its vote share surged dramatically into double figures for the … Continue reading

Exclusive: Wannabe Liverpool UKIP councillor wants Russian militia shipped in to ‘clean up our city centres’

Former UKIP man blasts 4 city candidates on ‘barmy’ Ukip Leader Nigel Farage. Photo: Ben Birchall/PA Wire A wannabe UK Independence Party (UKIP) councillor called for Russian militia to be shipped into Britain to “clean up our city centres”. Austin Lucas, who hopes to become a councillor for Cressington in this Thursday’s local elections, also … Continue reading