France’s National Front leader to face race trial


Le Pen will stand in court on October 20 on charges of “incitement to discrimination over people’s religious beliefs”, the prosecutor’s office in Lyon said in a statement on Tuesday. The FN leader made the comments in a speech during a party rally in Lyon in 2010. She said: “I’m sorry, but some people are … Continue reading

National Front faces formal embezzlement probe

The president of French far-right party Front National (FN) Marine Le Pen (C) and other party leaders and elected officials walk behind a banner during the party's annual rally in honour of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) on May 1, 2015 in Paris. AFP PHOTO / THOMAS SAMSON        (Photo credit should read THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images)

THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty The investigation will add to the official scrutiny of the anti-EU, anti-immigration party’s finances. PARIS — Marine Le Pen’s far-right party was placed under formal investigation Wednesday on suspicion that it participated in an embezzlement scheme during France’s 2012 legislative elections. National Front treasurer Wallerand de Saint-Just announced the procedure against the party … Continue reading

Former rising star in French National Front on trial for car-burning


Front National activist on trial for burning cars in small town Adrien Desport, who denied the attack was politically motivated, said the attack was a sign of rising crime in the area Adrien Desport, a party activist for the Front National. Photograph: Twitter A young party activist for France’s far-right Front National (FN) has gone on trial … Continue reading

Jean-Marie Le Pen slams daughter Marine as ‘unfit’ for President

Family feud between Jean-Marie Le Pen and daughter Marine, creates tensions within the Front National party. AFP PHOTO / JEAN-SEBASTIEN EVRARD / ALAIN JOCARD . By RFI The family feud between the far-right Front National leader, Marine Le Pen, and her father, Jean-Marie, deepened this weekend, with the latter saying his daughter is ‘neither ethically … Continue reading

French far-right firebrand Jean-Marie Le Pen, is set to face criminal proceedings for saying that the gas chambers of the Holocaust were “a detail of World War II”.


The founder of the National Front (FN) and European Parliament member Le Pen told French TV station BFMTV on April 2, “Gas chambers were a detail of the war, unless we accept that the war is a detail of the gas chambers.” Le Pen will be prosecuted for denying crimes against humanity, but the court … Continue reading

France National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen to set up ‘grouping’


  Marine Le Pen (right) has made it clear she wants her father (left) out of politics France’s National Front (FN) founder Jean-Marie Le Pen has said he plans to set up his own “grouping” after being suspended from the far-right party. “I’m not going to start another party. I will create a grouping that … Continue reading

France’s National Front Suspends Jean-Marie Le Pen


Far-right party leaves ultimate decision on ex-leader’s membership to general assembly Jean-Marie Le Pen leaves the National Front headquarters in Nanterre on Monday. Photo: LEJEUNE/ZUMA PRESS PARIS—The National Front suspended Jean-Marie Le Pen, the man who put the far-right party on France’s political map, as a member and left open the door to possible expulsion … Continue reading

Welsh Ukip candidate is vice president of group which in 2013 made Doreen Lawrence ‘go home’ slurs on Facebook


Christopher Gillibrand, Ukip’s candidate in Dwyfor Meirionnydd, is vice president of the far-right Traditional Britain Group Christopher Gillibrand, Ukip candidate for the Dwyfor Meirionnydd constituency A Ukip candidate standing in Wales is vice president of a far-right organisation which, in a 2013 Facebook post, said the mother of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence should leave … Continue reading

France:Top 10 ugliest outbursts by far-right Front National party candidates


FN leader Marine Le Pen has made efforts to clean up her close circle from radical members(PIERRE ANDRIEU/AFP/Getty) Fance’s centre-right UMP party and its allies took first place in the first round of local elections. They took 32% of the vote, while the far-right National Front (FN) came second with 25%, with President Francois Hollande’s … Continue reading

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen mobbed by Oxford Union protesters


Controversial nationalist politician gives a speech at the prestigious Oxford Union, blaming Western society’s ills on Islamic ideology Leader of the French party National Front (FN) Marine Le Pen (C) arrives to give a speech at the Oxford Union’s prestigious debating society in Oxford Photo: EPA French far-right political leader Marine Le Pen has received a … Continue reading