Ex-Ukip candidate joins group fighting for white ‘independence’ in South Africa weeks after General Election

Jack Sen has signed up to South Africa’s Front Nasionaal and claims ‘blacks and whites can’t live together’ in the ex-apartheid nation. An ex-Ukip candidate at the General Election is now Britain’s spokesman for a far-right group demanding white ‘independence’ in South Africa. Jack Sen faced public disgrace when Ukip suspended him days before the … Continue reading

Ukip suspends election candidate Jack Sen over racially charged comments

Nigel Farage apologises and disassociates party from member’s views including claim that Ed Miliband is linked to ‘shadowy elite bent on west’s destruction’ Jack Sen, former Ukip candidate for West Lancashire, in a picture from his Twitter account. Photograph: Twitter Ukip has suspended another of its parliamentary candidates a week before the general election after … Continue reading