Five Infidels arrested for attack on musician in July

Five members of the North West Infidels have today been arrested by the North West Counter Terrorism Unit. This follows an attack on a young musician and his family ahead of a Liverpool Antifascists benefit gig in July. Four men aged 21, 24, 30 and 52, and a 17-year-old boy, were arrested on suspicion of … Continue reading

Antifascists Escort National Culturists Off University of Liverpool Campus


Liverpool Antifascists forced the fascist-aligned National Culturists group off the University of Liverpool campus yesterday afternoon, as they attempted to leaflet students attending the freshers’ fair. This was in line with our ‘no platform for fascism’ policy. The Culturists first reared their heads in the spring, when founding member Jack Buckby (a personal favourite of … Continue reading

’Working-Class Unity against Racism and Fascism’ Rally & March in Liverpool 21st July


James Larkin Trade Union March + Rally  Saturday 21st July 2012 Liverpool ‘’Working-Class Unity against Racism and Fascism’’ Organised by James Larkin Society Liverpool Assemble 1pm at Larkin’s birthplace,Combermere Street, offPark Road,Liverpool 8, and March to City Centre for Rally Chair: Alec McFadden, President of Merseyside TUC, UNITE Activist Main Speaker: Billy Hayes, General Secretary, … Continue reading

Liverpool Antifascists benefit gig – 6 July

LiverAF gig flyer

On Friday 6 July, the Next to Nowhere social centre is playing host to an array of acts, all donating their time to raise money for the fight against fascism. Come along, bring friends and bring your own booze, and enjoy a night of top quality local ska and punk. Doors at 7.30. Entrance £3. You can RSVP … Continue reading

Fascists botch attack on Bootle picket line

M10 picket line

On Thursday May 10, hundreds of thousands of public sector workers took strike action around the country. Amongst these was my own workplace, with one of the largest and liveliest picket lines at least in Bootle. It was also the scene of a brief clash with fascists intent on disrupting proceedings. On the whole, the strike … Continue reading

Anti-Fascist Network formed

A national network of militant anti-fascists has been formed. An Introduction to AFN: An Anti-Fascist Network is being built by independent and grassroots groups seeking to working together against the rise of fascism in our communities. Over the last year alone, the English Defence League (EDL) have held as many as 20 marches or static protests and … Continue reading

Liverpool Antifascists picket Quiggins Attique

LiverAF Quiggins

Today was the Infidels of Britain’s nationwide day of “direct action.” In Liverpool, we were promised that the Scouse Infidels would be “busy bodies,” and they even had a special National Front “Vote Quiggins” banner for the occasion. In reality, Liverpool Antifascists got the drop on the far-right, who were nowhere to be seen in … Continue reading

Liverpool Antifascists clash with National Front and the Infidels

LiverAF vs NF

Last night, as a result of pressure from students and the threat of a disruptive anti-fascist demonstration, Liverpool University cancelled today’s mayoral debate. It was to feature the National Front, BNP and English Democrats, and stopping it was decisively a victory. Liverpool Antifascists held a rally today to underline this point. Upon hearing that the debate … Continue reading

Threat of anti-fascist demonstration stops mayoral debate

LiverAF Bolton

Liverpool University has cancelled the Mayoral Debate scheduled for Thursday 19 April due to demonstrations called by anti-fascists. Liverpool Antifascists – followed by Unite Against Fascism – called the demonstrations in opposition to the platform given to candidates from the National Front, British National Party and English Democrats. We stand opposed to fascists as a … Continue reading

Guild Refuses To Hold Mayoral Debates

LiverAF Bolton

Update: Liverpool University has confirmed the new venue for the debate as the Sherrington Building on Ashton Street. Liverpool Antifascists’ demonstration has moved accordingly. Map here. It has emerged that the Liverpool Guild of Students has refused to host the Liverpool Mayoral Debate on Thursday 19 April. This is because three of the candidates are fascists … Continue reading