National Action’s Zack Davies guilty of attempted murder


A young neo-Nazi extremist who was radicalised online is found guilty of attempted murder at a court in North Wales. Zack Davies tried to decapitate a man because he was Asian. Zack Davies posted an image of himself in a balaclava with a large knife and the flag of the far-right group National Action hours … Continue reading

‘Lee Rigby revenge’ attacker jailed for life

Zack Davies

Zack Davies, 26, who attacked Dr Sarandev Bhambra with a machete and hammer in a Mold supermarket, must serve at least 14 years behind bars Zack Davies, who screamed ‘white power’ as he attacked Dr Sarendev Bhambra. Photograph: View Finder Pictures Steven Morris A loner fascinated with far-right ideologies and violent video games has been … Continue reading

BNP accused of exploiting refugee crisis ahead of today’s Croydon protest

Clifford Le May

Video: Clifford Le May Anti-fascists will meet head-on with British National Party (BNP) activists outside a Croydon immigration centre today. Unite Against Fascism (UAF) accused the BNP of exploiting a “toxic political climate” by planning a rally outside Lunar House, the Home Office’s main immigration centre. The protesters said the far-right party was “trying to … Continue reading

Former rising star in French National Front on trial for car-burning


Front National activist on trial for burning cars in small town Adrien Desport, who denied the attack was politically motivated, said the attack was a sign of rising crime in the area Adrien Desport, a party activist for the Front National. Photograph: Twitter A young party activist for France’s far-right Front National (FN) has gone on trial … Continue reading

Concerns Britain First ‘demonising’ young migrants in Whitstable asylum row


Britain First leader Paul Golding outside the Ladesfield care home A far right organisation is inflaming tensions over plans to convert a care home into a centre for asylum seekers, according to a group working for young migrants. Kate Adams, a member of the Stop the Cuts Campaign, feared extremist group Britain First was ‘demonising’ the … Continue reading

North Wales fire service employee quits amid investigation into alleged posts on far-right website


The clerical worker was being probed over allegations they uploaded material onto a Norway-based site The fire service employee allegedly wrote about the English Defence League on a far-right websiteThe fire service employee allegedly wrote about the English Defence League on a far-right website A North Wales fire service employee has quit amid an investigation … Continue reading



Britain First founder, Jim Dowson, has sensationally blown the lid on those that are behind the “Draw Mohammed Cartoon” competition and claimed that those behind it are organising it to ignite a race war on our streets. Dowson went to a series of meetings with former EDL leader, Tommy Robinson, former UKIP candidate Ann Marie Waters … Continue reading

Mohammed cartoon exhibition designed to spark race war, say anti-fascists


Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson © Andrew Winning / Reuters Nationalist far-right groups including the English Defence League (EDL) plan an exhibition of Mohammed imagery in the hope it will spark an ethnic civil war in the UK, according to an anti-racism group. In a 32-page dossier published on Monday, anti-fascist campaigners Hope Not Hate … Continue reading



Over the last three years, the British National Party and the English Defence League have held demonstrations in Blackpool over the murders or missing teenagers Paige Chivers and Charlene Downes, blaming members of the local Muslim population. Today, BNP/EDL member Robert Ewing has been found guilty of the murder of Paige at Preston Crown Court. Ewing groomed … Continue reading

Judge condemns Britain First leaders

Luton Britain First Demo

Birtain First demo in Luton  A High Court judge has condemned the actions of the leaders of Britain First despite allowing them to march in Luton. The decision of Mr Justice Knowles, who rejected a bid by Beds Police to stop the group’s leaders Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen entering Luton on June 27 has … Continue reading