Merseyside BNP show their true colours – Conservative

After a dead silence due to their crushing defeat in both the General and Local Elections, Liverpool organiser Peter Squire is back to posting inane drivel on the Merseyside BNP blogonce again. It will come as no surprise that they’re not even attempting to disguise their contempt for the people of Liverpool. First is their … Continue reading

BNP fail in local elections

No Liverpool council seats for the BNP | Support stagnant | Percentage crashes Liverpool BNP didn’t come close to winning a single seat in Liverpool last night – and their percentage of the vote dropped dramatically. In 2008 BNP candidates averaged 10.58% of the vote in the seats they contested last night. This time their … Continue reading

Clean sweep of lost deposits for Liverpool BNP

The voters have spoken – and they’ve told Liverpool BNP where to get off in no uncertain terms. The BNP averaged a humiliating 1.82% in the three Liverpool seats they constested, losing their deposits in every one. As usual, the BNP in Liverpool performed WORSE than the party nationally. In Wavertree they were 7th out … Continue reading

The BNP and the neo-Nazis

The BNP claims it isn’t racist – this is a lie. The BNP claims it has no links with violent neo-Nazis – this is a lie. The BNP claims to be a ‘normal’ political party – this is a lie. What ‘normal’ political party would associate itself with Nazi sympathisers and violent right-wing paramilitary groups? … Continue reading

Fascists in Profile: are Merseyside BNP ashamed of Andrew Tierney?

Today, Merseyside BNP report that they have had “BNP campaigning teams all over Merseyside.” Clearly, somebody has noticed that they’ve been positively neglecting potential voters locally, and forced them into overdrive. They’re also getting rattled by Liverpool Antifascists’ determination to expose them for what they are. Without the funding of any political party, or the … Continue reading

Building the movement, fighting the fascists

Today, members of Liverpool Antifascists took to the streets to deliver the message of working class unity against fascism to those areas targeted by the BNP. As with previous times we have went out, the reception we got from local residents was positive. The only time we faced anger was when people mistakenly thought we … Continue reading

Desperate BNP resort to obvious lies

It would appear that the efforts of Liverpool Antifascists are getting to Merseyside BNP. On their blog, once again, their organiser Peter Squire has seen fit to spew out utter nonsense about our leafletting campaign; News is coming in to me that the fascist UAF were chased out of Anfield today by outraged residents. Apparently … Continue reading

Liverpool BNP Campaign in Disarray

Last week’s revelation that Karen Otty, Liverpool BNP’s secretary, and candidate for Anfield in the coming council elections, attended English Defence League demonstrations in defiance of Nick Griffin’s orders, has got local fascists rattled. (See both our own coverage and Vote No To The BNP.) The information came from Otty’s own Facebook page (which vanished … Continue reading

Dissecting the BNP manifesto

The British National Party has launched its manifesto for the 2010 elections. Titled Democracy, Freedom, Culture and Identity (PDF), it is 94 pages long and – according to its own introduction – “one of the most comprehensive and detailed manifestos in [the BNP’s] history.” As such, I thought that it deserved scrutinising. The first thing … Continue reading

Merseyside BNP: putting local people last

Over at the Merseyside BNP blog, quasi-literate Liverpool organiser Peter Squire has a lot to say about flags along County Road. Firstly, credit where it’s not due: “thanks to Merseyside British National Party pushing the agenda in local Liverpool communities we may be starting to see ( and quite rightly about time) the recognition of … Continue reading