My Former Life As a Kahanist Posterboy

T Shirt

“You are my hero,” said Baruch Marzel, the militant leader of the Jewish National Front, as he embraced me at a banquet in 2006. Just 13 years old, I was being congratulated by the most notorious activist on the Israeli far-right—a man who once called for the assassination of a prominent Israeli peace activist, declared holy war … Continue reading

The BNP is having another facelift. But its new poster boy Jack Buckby is just an old-school nationalist

British nationalism has got itself a brand new face. Jack Buckby isn’t exactly the boy next door, but he could be the hipster sitting at his laptop next to you in Starbucks (“working on a novel” – yeah, right). Young, educated, articulate, John Lennon glasses, excessive facial hair, ironic satchel: the only unusual things about … Continue reading

Northern Ireland flag protests: the politics of distraction

The following post is taken from and does not necessarily represent the opinion of LiverAF. We post it here out of interest, since the flag protests have occurred in Liverpool as well and local members of the North West Infidels have been taking part in them alongside the Combined Ex Forces, loyalists and even … Continue reading

Oppose the North West Infidels – 3rd November

LiverAF vs NF

On Saturday 3rd November the North West Infidels, a fascist street gang connected to the National Front, is holding a demonstration in Liverpool. Liverpool Antifascists is calling on all anti-fascists andanti-racists to join us in opposing them. The pretext for the demonstration is Mayor Joe Anderson allowing “pro-IRA” marches in the city. In reality, the … Continue reading

Antifascists Escort National Culturists Off University of Liverpool Campus


Liverpool Antifascists forced the fascist-aligned National Culturists group off the University of Liverpool campus yesterday afternoon, as they attempted to leaflet students attending the freshers’ fair. This was in line with our ‘no platform for fascism’ policy. The Culturists first reared their heads in the spring, when founding member Jack Buckby (a personal favourite of … Continue reading

The most wanted Nazi war criminal arrested in Hungary


He was considered the world’s most wanted Nazi. Laszlo Csatary, was found at 97 years of age in the Hungarian capital, Budapest.Csatary is accused of complicity in the deaths of 15 700 Jews during World War II. “I confirm that Laszlo Csatary was identified and found in Budapest,” Zuroff told reporters, adding that the British newspaper … Continue reading

Neo-Nazi murders in Germany: What role did the intelligence agencies play?


Every passing day brings new revelations confirming that the murder rampage carried out by the neo-Nazi organization “National Socialist underground” (NSU) would have been impossible without the active support of the German secret services. The three members of the NSU, Uwe Mundlos, Uwe Böhnhardt and Beate Zschäpe, went underground in 1998 and were able to … Continue reading

Fascist and Racist Threats won’t deter Liverpool Anti-Racist / Fascist March & Rally


PRESS RELEASE 15TH JULY 2012 James Larkin Society Fascist and Racist Threats won’t deter Liverpool Anti-Racist/ Fascist March & Rally As Organiser’s of this Saturday’s March & Rally against Racism and Fascism (assemble Combermere Street, Liverpool 1pm), The James Larkin Society (JLS) is appalled and angered by the increasing threats been made against this peaceful … Continue reading

Drunk EDL member head-butted UAF supporter at anti-racist music festival


A supporter of the English Defence League head-butted one of the group’s opponents during an anti-racism music festival. James Lee Elliott, 20, was drunk when he attacked a member of Leicester Unite Against Fascism during the festival last year. The assault took place during a free music festival called Love Music, Hate Racism in Leicester’s Market Corner … Continue reading

Neo-Nazi acquitted after driving into leftists


  A German neo-Nazi who drove into a group of leftists, leaving one with a brain injury, has been acquitted of attempted manslaughter. The judge found he was acting in self-defence. The incident happened last October at a neo-Nazi event in Riegel am Rande in the southern German state of Baden-Württemberg. The 29-year-old accused was sitting … Continue reading