Revealed At Last, The Criminal Convictions of the EDL

EDL Supporters Out In Force

Last week a list of EDL supporters, along with their criminal convictions, appeared on the Internet. Since then, either Marmite can’t see what’s under his nose, or the list has disappeared. Whatever. We reproduce it here, albeit in a rather more digestible form, and for the delectation of home buyers everywhere. Well, bearing in mind that … Continue reading

Bonehead nonsense in Manchester


The following two updates come via Anti Capitalist Action Manchester Last Saturday (23rd Feb), ACA members participated in the March Against the Cuts in the city centre. As we were going for a post-march pint, we were notified that Stockport EDL + the NWI’s very own Diddyman were in Piccadilly Gardens handing out leaflets. Once … Continue reading

EDL to return to Walthamstow on 27 October

Tommy Robinson, leader of the English Defence League, has just released a video announcing that their planned demo in Norwich on October 27 is being put back. This date will now see the EDL return to Walthamstow, East London, in what he hopes will be a more favourable re-run of last weekend’s appearence there. Since … Continue reading

Walthamstow: death knell for the EDL?


Brighton hinted at it, Bristol seemed to continue the pattern but today’s misguided outing to the London borough of Walthamstow showed the extent to which the English Defence League is now in a steep downward spiral. This was intended to be a re-run of Tower Hamlets – a mission into darkest Muslamic country to liberate … Continue reading

Massive Merseyside police operation keeps rivals apart at James Larkin march

Pictured is a member of the James Larkin Society holding up a photo of James Larkin   A MASSIVE police operation prevented clashes between far right protesters and anti-fascist demonstrators in Liverpool today. Members of the James Larkin Society gathered in the city, flanked by an enormous police presence to ensure that any trouble was … Continue reading

Boneheads Attack Musician & His Family at Anti-Fascist Fundraising Event in Liverpool


Tonight, an anti-fascist fundraiser gig was scheduled at the social centre in Liverpool. Predictably, it got the attention of the local fascists. Around an hour prior to the gig starting it was noted that between ten and twenty NWI & NF vermin had been spotted in their favoured watering hole, where presumably they had a … Continue reading

Debunking the Myths


Of all the smears, myths, distortions, and untruths that the far-right wheel out from time to time, there are three that are a source of particular personal irritation. Firstly, is the case of Enoch Powell. I have seen countless stickers, posters, websites, Facebook pages, and profile pictures of Enoch with a Union Jack background, with … Continue reading

History Proves Fascist Terror Must Be Fought


The ugly killing of Trayvon Martin, the campaign of anti-immigrant terror in Arizona, the racist killing spree in Tulsa, Okla., and the recent barrage of public appearances by the Ku Klux Klan have left many progressive people wondering what should be done. It is clear that some kind of action must be taken against this … Continue reading

Anti-Jubilee Protester Set Alight By Zieg Heiling Boneheads in Newcastle


A teenager was taken to hospital when his hair was set alight by English Defence League supporters who attacked an anti-Jubilee party in Newcastle. The 18-year-old, who does not wish to be identified, was hit by a burning firework thrown during the clash at Grey’s Monument between more than 100 English Defence League and National Front … Continue reading

Police fear riots by neo-Nazi demo


Hamburg defend itself against a neo-Nazi demonstration, are expected to attend the Saturday some 1,000 right-wing extremists. Political and social forces have called for peaceful counter-demonstrations. With a large contingent of the police is preparing for the demonstration of the extreme right before this Saturday. At the “Day of the German Future” of the neo-Nazis, the police … Continue reading