
Unna the orca becomes third cetacean to die in six months at Texas SeaWorld

An 18-year-old orca has died at the SeaWorld park in San Antonio, Texas, raising concern over its treatment of captive marine mammals.

The female orca, named Unna, was the third whale to die at the Texas park in six months.

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18-year-old killer whale dies at SeaWorld

Unna the orca died after a months-long illness at the SeaWorld park in San Antonio.

A premature baby beluga died in July, and a two-year-old beluga died of gastrointestinal problems in November. 

SeaWorld said in a statement that Unna died on Monday from a "resistant strain of a fungus called candida".

The orca had been treated by experts from around the country, it added.

Unna the orca died on Monday at SeaWorld, San Antonio, Texas, after developing a candida infection.
Unna the orca died on Monday at SeaWorld, San Antonio, Texas, after developing a candida infection. Photo: SeaWorld

"While there were some indications that the treatment was having a positive effect, Unna had remained in serious condition and under 24/7 care," SeaWorld said, adding that a necropsy will be conducted.

SeaWorld has faced heated criticism and declining revenues since the release of the 2013 documentary film Blackfish, which depicted the captivity and public exhibition of killer whales as inherently cruel.


The film, which SeaWorld has criticised as inaccurate and misleading, also explored the circumstances leading to the 2010 death of a top SeaWorld trainer, who was pulled underwater and drowned by an orca she had performed with in Florida.

SeaWorld in San Diego recently announced plans to suspend its live orca shows.

But the other SeaWorld parks, including the one in San Antonio, say they will continue, contending the orcas are well treated.

Critics say it is inhumane to confine the intelligent and wide-ranging orcas in sea parks, where they perform in circus-like shows.

Stuff.co.nz, Reuters