
Rare Omura's whale caught on film for first time

It's strange to think that a 12-metre long whale with a distinctive pattern could swim under the radar for so long, but until now scientists had never seen the elusive Omura's whale in the wild.

That is no longer the case, thanks to years of hard work from a team of biologists who spotted the rare whales near Madagascar.

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Rare Omura's whale caught on camera

One of the world's rarest whale species is recorded by scientists for first time off the coast of Madagascar.

Those scientists' findings, published in this month's Royal Society Open Science journal, provide our first glimpse into the lives of these beautiful creatures. But it was a discovery that almost never happened.

The team, led by British biologist Salvatore Cerchio, were researching dolphins in the waters off Madagascar in 2011, when they spotted three unfamiliar whales. 

The "beautiful" Omura's whale has light and dark patches and stripes along its body.
The "beautiful" Omura's whale has light and dark patches and stripes along its body. Photo: Salvatore Cerchio

At first, the scientists thought they had found Bryde's whales, another rare species that Omura's are often mistaken for.

The following year they spotted another four of the whales.


Then in 2013 they began searching in deeper waters off Madagascar, where they found up to 13 of the whales, including a mother-calf pair who swam up to the boat, offering a closer look. 

It was then the scientists realised these were not Bryde's whales.

"I was excited because I knew we had found Omura's whales," Dr Cerchio told the BBC.

"Some teammates thought it might be a new species and began to think of new names."

By 2014, tests confirmed that the scientists had discovered the first living population of the species. By that stage, 44 sightings had been recorded.

The discovery also represented the first documentation of the species in the western Indian Ocean.

"Omura's whales are built for speed," Dr Cerchio said, describing them as "spectacular animals with long, narrow bodies". 

The whales are asymmetrically coloured - whiter on the right side and darker on the left - and have light and dark patches and stripes along their bodies, making each whale individually recognisable.

The Balaenoptera omurai was only formally identified and named in 2003, when Japanese scientists discovered dead specimens. Up to that point, Omura's whales were often thought of as a "dwarf" or "pygmy" form of the Bryde's whale.

They are named in honour of the late Japanese cetologist Hideo Omura.

They two species belong to the same family of baleen whales, the rorqal group, but despite the frequent comparisons, the Omura's whale is perhaps more closely related to the blue whale, also a rorqal.

Scientists do not know how many Omura's whales there are, but Dr Cerchio fears the population could be in danger due to loud noises emitted by underwater oil exploration.

"Human noise is a pervasive threat across the oceans," Dr Cerchio said.

"Unfortunately, the effect is insidious and difficult to detect."