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US Politics | The Teflon Donald | Jan 21 2017 | Scott Stager Piatkowski | Why it was so hard for his opponents to put a dent in Donald Trump's support.
Image: Roger Doherty/flickr
Arts & Culture | US Politics | W.H. Auden's poetry resonates on Trump's inauguration day | Jan 20 2017 | Rick Salutin | How did Auden (W.H.) get it so right? He died in 1973, but his lines come to mind during the 21st century's most wracked moments.
Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr
Economy | Labour | Politics in Canada | The trouble with 'populist' billionaires is they serve the same old corporate interests | Jan 20 2017 | Linda McQuaig | Trump's surprise election has alerted us to the depth of dissatisfaction with the status quo. But will Trump and his crowd get to define and shape that anti-status quo sentiment?
Ken Coates
Education | Athabasca U's future seems brighter as Saskatchewan prof named to conduct sustainability review | Jan 20 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | Ken Coates is the Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan.
New minister for democratic reforms Karina Gould and PM Trudeau
Politics in Canada | 2016 was a big year for electoral reform. 2017 could be the foundation of a legacy. | Jan 20 2017 | Kelly Carmichael | Here’s how the new Minister of Democratic Institutions, MP Karina Gould, can chart a successful path forward.
Image: Flickr/mostlyconservative
Politics in Canada | Alberta Tories on the brink of dumping Jason Kenney? Not a chance. | Jan 20 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | Prediction: Jason Kenney will get a tougher fight from Brian Jean, the leader of the Wildrose Party, than he will from the demoralized PCs.
Anti-Racism | Civil Liberties Watch | US Politics | Not Rex: The coming dark age of Trump | Jan 19 2017 | Humberto DaSilva | Not Rex delivers an alternative poem in the epic style on the coming dark age of Trump.
Arts & Culture | Environment | World | Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America | Jan 19 2017 | Braden Alexander | Canadian mining interests in Latin America often claim that they are providing jobs and investing in the local community. But a new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber shows otherwise.
Photo: Chris Yakimov/flickr
Civil Liberties Watch | Environment | Indigenous Rights | 'Rule of law' racism, C-51 and the coming resistance wave | Jan 19 2017 | Matthew Behrens | Those who wish to honour and preserve life on the planet are up against government and private sector players who view actions to protect the land, air and water as terrorist acts.
Rear Side of Winnipeg Free Press Building
Civil Liberties Watch | CommonCauses | Political Action | Politics in Canada | Lobby your MP to take action on mass surveillance, Bill C-51 and press freedom! | Jan 19 2017 | Canadian Journalists for Free Expression | January 23 to 27 is national lobbying week on mass surveillance, Bill C-51 and press freedom. We need you to participate.
Adam Gaudry, Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta
Education | Indigenous Rights | Canadian campuses working toward reconciliation have their work cut out | Jan 19 2017 | Emily Blake | Post-secondary institutions have been working to support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission -- but some are concerned if colonial institutions can ever achieve that end.
Media Matters | Politics in Canada | Disgusted that Kevin O'Leary wants to be our Prime Minister? Thank Canada's public broadcaster. | Jan 19 2017 | Michael Stewart | The CBC groomed and incubated Kevin O'Leary's persona -- a sociopathic blowhard with a desperate chub for capitalism -- and now Canada is paying the price.
Photo: Fightback/ La Riposte/flickr
Politics in Canada | Françoise David, co-founder of Québec Solidaire, helped turn political debate away from sovereignty | Jan 19 2017 | Karl Nerenberg | Françoise David, who founded the progressive Quebec party Québec Solidaire, has retired from politics, saying she is too tired to carry on.
Photo: torbakhopper/flickr
US Politics | After seven years in prison, Chelsea Manning will walk free | Jan 19 2017 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | A worldwide campaign petitioned Barack Obama to grant clemency to Chelsea Manning, the longest-held whistleblower in U.S. history. This week Obama issued his decision to free Manning.
Photo: Ben Husmann/flickr
Arts & Culture | Labour | Technology | The robots are coming... for our jobs | Jan 18 2017 | Wayne MacPhail | When we think about robots, we worry that, like Transformers, they will be hulking, dangerous machines. But what if they are more subtle? What if they just steal our jobs?