WA News

Aryan Nations: Perth white supremacist group on letterbox recruitment drive

A neo-Nazi group has gone on a letterbox recruiting drive in suburbs around Perth in an effort to beef up its membership.

The Perth chapter of Aryan Nations Australia has been dropping flyers in High Wycombe, Maylands, Belmont and Girrawheen to "secure a future for white children".

The issue was highlighted on social media site reddit and alarmed Kalamunda Shire president Andrew Waddell, who was unaware of the situation until informed by WAtoday.

"I personally haven't seen the flyers, but anything that promotes hate speech and violence is not welcome," he said.

"We are an inclusive multicultural society which is reflected in our citizenship ceremonies.

"So we are against anything that discriminates against people on race or encourages hate speech or violence against other people."


Although the group boasts on its website it doesn't do interviews, Perth chapter member Robert Edhouse, sought to explain to WAtoday that it did not oppose all immigration.

"We are worried about Islam immigration to Australia," he said.

"It's becoming a problem and we want Australia to stay Australia and we want people to follow Australian law not Sharia Law.

"You only have to see what's happening with immigration in Europe to see it's been ransacked by Muslims. It's not happening here yet, but we don't want to see it happening.

"We are not against all immigration...I'm sitting next to someone now who is Polish."

Mr Edhouse said the Perth group shunned both the Christian links and violence associated with Aryan Nations America, despite its website noting members would "fight for the cause." 

He would not comment on how many local members the group had but claimed there had been plenty of people interested in learning about its activities.

"There is going to be people who won't agree with us, but we want to help our people," he said.

 "We are law-abidding people who just want to get on with helping our people."

On its website, the group states:

"We accept Odinists, Christians, Catholics and Athiests [sic]. Although we are putting relligion [sic] to the side so all whites no matter there [sic] Faith can work together in an alliance. 
"All applicants ages 18 to 40 wishing to join our ranks are requied [sic] to do a minimum of a 6 months probationary period.

"For applicants age 40 plus, tasks may consist of public and group speaking, online support and publicity, attending to e-mails and the making and distrabution [sic] of Aryan Nations material."

The website also features members performing a Nazi salute and flying banners, bearing the message "white lives matter".

The message is the same one that was painted in the car park of Midland Gate shopping centre in December, accompanied by ill-shaped swastikas.

"These types of offences will not be tolerated and come with a penalty of up to 14 years' jail," Midland Senior Sergeant Craig Davis was reported to have said at the time.

"This is racism and I ask anyone with any knowledge of who is doing this to contact me immediately."

According to the Midland Reporter, stickers were placed in the carpark of Midland Gate two years ago, inviting residents to engage in a Blood and Honour forum on white power.

At the time of the December Midland incident, the local resident who reported them to authorities said he would have been less concerned by them if he thought it was youngsters messing around.

"They don't know their swastikas, that's for sure," the resident said of the roughly spray-painted shapes.

"But I don't think it's just kids up to no good. The slogans that were painted with them saying 'white lives matter' seem a bit more adult than that."

Police have been contacted for comment about the letterbox drop.