New Internationalist

Mosquitoes versus mankind

Mosquitoes versus mankind

The fight against vector-borne diseases is in dire need of new insecticides, writes Julia Gross.
FiSahara: The world’s most remote film festival

FiSahara: The world’s most remote film festival

The festival offers refugees and international guests excitement and windows into forgotten worlds, writes Stefan Simanowitz.
Say ‘no’ to lying, bullying and monopolising corporate media!

Say ‘no’ to lying, bullying and monopolising corporate media!

Rupert Murdoch is only part of the problem. Vanessa Baird reports from the Media Democracy Festival in London.
Fox in charge of the hen house

Fox in charge of the hen house

Tax authorities are complicit in their own undoing, writes Alain Deneault.
Labour rights in the global electronics industry

Labour rights in the global electronics industry

In advance of International Human Rights Day, we shine a light on labour rights abuses in the global electronics industry.
The coming war on China

The coming war on China

A major US military build-up is under way in Asia and the Pacific with the purpose of confronting China. John Pilger reports.

Top stories

Country profile: South Sudan

Eleanor Hobhouse considers the state of Africa’s newest nation, five years after independence.

Sexism A and sexism B

There’s accidental sexism, and then there’s persistent misogyny, writes Kate Smurthwaite.

Music reviews

Louise Gray reviews releases from Louise Bichan and Sun Ra.

Scratchy Lines

The latest cartoon by Simon Kneebone.

Book reviews

Latest releases, including fiction by Vamba Sherif.

Mosquitoes versus mankind

The fight against vector-borne diseases is in dire need of new insecticides. But it’s unlikely that real alternatives will make it to the market in time, writes Julia Gross.

Big Bad World December 2016

The latest offering from cartoonist Polyp.


On computers, terror and Brexit

Travelling can sometimes help put things into perspective, writes James Rowland.

Tigger Stack – a most extraordinary woman

We will mourn our loss of Tigger. But it’s her life we must celebrate, writes Mari Thekaekara.

The inextricable link between migration and sweatshops

The possibility of workers’ rights and climate justice movements responding together provides hope, writes Dalia Gebrial.

Let’s make platform capitalism more accountable

What do Google, Uber, and Facebook have in common? Mark Graham asks.

Say ‘no’ to lying, bullying, criminal and monopolizing corporate media!

Rupert Murdoch is only part of the problem. Vanessa Baird reports from the Media Democracy Festival in London.

Fracking giant fails to lock up a grandmother

Far from frightening off the campaigners by taking one of them to court, Cuadrilla has given them a boost, writes Jamie Kesley-Fry.

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    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

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    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

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    The World Atlas of Sport

    This beautifully designed and fully illustrated atlas profiles the world’s major competitive sports, their political uses and abuses, and the profits that flow from their commercial development.

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