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Millennial Citizens in the Age of Trump

The recent election of Donald Trump in the US shook the world and affirmed the ascendancy of populist right-wing movements globally. Yet, amid the triumphs of figures like Trump, Hanson, Farage, Uribe and Duterte in polls this year, another political phenomenon is taking shape. In electorates around the world, Millennials are emerging as a constituency with a shared and yet contested set of social and political challenges, who skew progressive on a wide range of issues and are often deeply engaged with the politics of identity. Join our panellists to discuss the roles Millennials have to play in shaping the world's political destiny: 

>>Miya Tokumitsu is a lecturer in art history at the University of Melbourne, contributing editor at Jacobin and author of Do What You Love: And Other Lies About Success and Happiness.

>>Omar Sakr is an Arab Australian writer and poet. His debut collection, These Wild Houses, is forthcoming from Cordite Books, and he is the poetry editor of The Lifted Brow.

>>Godfrey Moase is the Assistant General Branch Secretary at the National Union of Workers in Melbourne, Australia. 
Millennial Citizens in the Age of Trump

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