Super, insurance and Donald Trump

Pension changes may encourage  retirees to hide cash.

John Daley and Brendan Coates ("MYEFO will show Peter Costello's grayfare weighing down our budget", December 19) outline the case for further changes in benefits for senior Australians as part of fixing the "structural" deficit of the Commonwealth.  However they overlook problems created by the recent reform of taxing superannuation of current retirees.

Medicare, deficits and company tax cut

A downgrade of Australia's AAA credit rating can be avoided with one fairly simple action: Have Medicare only fund medical interventions that have been shown to work.  This could save up to $50 billion per year or a third of Australia's annual health expenditure and quickly bring the budget back into surplus. 

The HMAS Brisbane air warfare destroyer stands under construction at the ASC Ltd. shipyard in Adelaide, Australia, on ...

UNSW, monarchy and banana republic

While the federal government is constantly promoting STEM education, innovation and similar notions, it is incomprehensible that the University of NSW should have announced the closure of its world-leading Naval Architecture program.