Morrison tells parliament to get real about budget, AAA threat

Scott Morrison says the budget update will once again reinforce the need for Parliament to support the government’s ...
Scott Morrison says the budget update will once again reinforce the need for Parliament to support the government’s efforts at repairing the budget. Alex Ellinghausen

Scott Morrison has lashed out at the "air of unreality" among Labor and Senate crossbenchers over the scale of the nation's worsening budget problems, which could result in him becoming the first Liberal treasurer in history to oversee the loss of the top-notch AAA rating.

The government signalled on Sunday that Australians should expect weak wages growth and a softening economy will cause a fresh deterioration in the budget outlook, which some analysts have said could reach as much as $18 billion over four years.

While the deficit for 2016-17 is expected to come in around $37 billion, as forecast in the May budget, economists and the government said a crunch in profit growth and shortfalls in income tax revenues means there will be further write-downs. These are expected to overwhelm any benefits from higher commodity prices over the last six month.

"What we have also said is that the recent increases in commodity prices are not enough to offset the effect of lower wage inflation in particular on income tax receipts and the lower growth in company profits more generally," Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said.

The mid year economic and fiscal outlook, due to be released at noon, contains relatively few policy or spending changes, with only minor announcements expected on asthma spending, cuts to the green army environmental program, and a $20.5 million funding boost to teachers in disadvantaged schools.

A government source said it would be a "ballsy move" if ratings agencies used Monday's MYEFO as the trigger for a downgrade, saying they previously indicated the Coalition and the parliament have until the May budget to demonstrate resolve.

The potential ratings loss - which Cabinet's powerful budget razor gang has been told to brace for - would be the first downgrade since 1989.

According to historical data published by Moody's Investor Service, which has a track record of rating the Commonwealth's credit worthiness since 1962, the cut from AAA would be the only the second time it has happened.

Australia last shed its top-level rating in 1986 following Paul Keating's "banana republic" crisis. It took until 2002 for Moody's to restore the rating. S&P; Global Ratings took until early 2003 to put Australia back in the AAA club.

Mr Morrison said the budget update will once again reinforce the need for parliament to support the government's efforts at repairing the budget.

Despite the "debt and deficit legacy left by Labor", Mr Morrison said he was making progress in getting growth in government spending under control.

"However, there does remain an air of unreality about the scale of the fiscal challenges we face as a nation and the preparedness of the parliament to support the government's efforts to restore the budget to balance, despite the progress made since the election."

Mr Morrison accused opposition leader Bill Shorten of being engaged in "active and cynical budget sabotage, with an eye to the political benefit they believe they will receive from promoting chaos."

Shadow finance minister Jim Chalmers said the Turnbull government has no one to blame but itself for the budget worsening, and that the rating could be locked in with the stroke of a pen by scrapping the planned $48 billion company tax cuts.

"It's long past time that the government took responsibility for the mess they've made of the budget. The growing deficits and the growing debt are the fault of the incompetence of Scott Morrison and, before him, Joe Hockey and Malcolm Turnbull and, before him, Tony Abbott," Dr Chalmers said. 

S&P; has repeatedly warned that it is looking for evidence from parliament that it will address the budget deficit problem and deliver on the government's proposed trajectory to restore the surplus by 2020-21.

Westpac chief economist Bill Evans predicts the budget balance will be $6 billion worse off in 2019/20, with the government's projection that it returns to surplus a year later now hanging in the balance.

Across four years the budget would be $18 billion worse off at $102 billion, Mr Evans said, while net debt will be larger by another $29 billion in mid-2020.

AMP Capital economist Shane Oliver said this year's deficit is likely to remain at around $37 billion, but there will be another $10 billion or so added over the subsequent three years. By contrast, Commonwealth Bank economist Michael Blythe expects MYEFO to show a $9 billion improvement over four years.

Economist surveyed by Bloomberg News say Treasury will cut its MYEFO gross domestic product forecast for financial 2017 to 2 per cent from 2.5 per cent. Mr Evans is even more bearish, saying GDP will now expand this year by just 1.5 per cent.