
Kevin Maguire: As I Please

Published: December 9, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

UKIP isn’t poised the vanish into thin air and disappear completely from British politics, but the party might be over. History lecturer Paul Nuttall will struggle to stop its rise …

Ireland Eye: John Coulter

Published: December 8, 2016
Written by John Coulter

Unionism looks set to tumble into the same quagmire over Brexit as it did three decades ago during protests against the then Anglo-Irish Agreement. The two main Unionist parties have …

Catherine Macleod: In Perspective

Published: December 8, 2016
Written by Catherine Macleod

Harlow generally, and often unfairly, gets a bad press. Recently I was obliged to spend many waking hours in the Princess Alexandra Hospital in the town. I wasn’t there on …

Jill Palmer: Prescriptions

Published: December 7, 2016
Written by Jill Palmer

When I started writing this column 12 years ago we had a Labour Government, Tony Blair was in power and the National Health Serice was struggling to ­survive under the …

Len McCluskey: The Union Card

Published: December 6, 2016
Written by Len McCluskey

T here is no doubt that concerns about the impact of the free movement of Labour in Europe played a large part in the Brexit referendum result. It would therefore …

Cat Smith: Cat About The House

Published: December 6, 2016
Written by Cat Smith

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement to the House of Commons on November 23 came in the context of failure, as a recent leaked Treasury document shows. Six years ago, the government …

Stephen Pound: Pound Notes

Published: December 5, 2016
Written by Stephen Pound

Maybe if you were there for the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement you would have seen something that I missed. Maybe you wouldn’t have seen a feeble, bloodless etiolated rake thin stand-in …

Out And About: Cary Gee

Published: December 3, 2016
Written by Cary Gee

Foreign visitors to Cuba are lucky if they even get to glimpse a Castro, let alone meet one. On my very first trip to the island, I got lucky. Before …

John Street’s Diary

Published: December 3, 2016
Written by John Street
David McCallum and Robert Vaughan in The Man From Uncle

Watch that man Regular Tribune columnist and shadow minister for voter engagement and youth affairs Cat Smith has been cleared of cheating on her election expenses. In May, an investigation …

John Street’s Diary

Published: November 25, 2016
Written by John Street

Lady Midnight Prime Minister Theresa May has been given an object lesson on her personal standing with the US president-elect. May, who weighed in with criticism of Trump after his …

Brainwaves: Chris Proctor

Published: November 22, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

I’m going into the pollster business. I’m a natural: I couldn’t with any confidence even forecast the outcome of a single-candidate election in North Korea where the only vote was …

As I Please: Martin Rowson

Published: November 21, 2016
Written by Martin Rowson

The first and last time I met anti-elitist champion-of-the-downtrodden, former city trader Nigel Farage was after a talk I gave at Dulwich College, the South London public school which is …

Letter From America: Ian Williams

Published: November 19, 2016
Written by Ian Williams

At least the Clintons are consistent. They maintained a serene sense of entitlement almost to the end of the election night count. They had explained that the cancellation of the …

Trump – What the world said

Published: November 18, 2016
Written by Tribune web editor

“I will be president for all Americans.” Donald Trump “We are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country.” Barak Obama “American Psycho” Front page of …

Out Of The Cage: Paul Routledge

Published: November 18, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Amber Rudd was a public schoolgirl at Cheltenham Ladies’ College, learning how to conduct herself in polite society, when thousands of striking miners gathered in south Yorkshire to picket Orgreave …

Agenda Setting: Chris Williamson

Published: November 17, 2016
Written by Chris Williamson

We should now be celebrating the election of the first socialist president of the United States of America.  But the rightwing fixers in the Democrat establishment sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ attempt …

Labour must break with free trade dogma

Published: November 16, 2016
Written by Michael Hindley

“Free Trade” was the one colour that all Brexiteers nailed to their mast. Reckless gambles on finding a bright new world outside the European Union demand a successful trade policy. So what is Labour …

Ireland Eye

Published: November 7, 2016
Written by John Coulter

Democratic Unionist leader and Stormont First Minister Arlene Foster used her party’s annual conference to signal what will be the end of the DUP by 2021 – the centenary of …

In Perspective

Published: November 7, 2016
Written by Catherine Macleod

Against a bleak political backdrop, when even Tory MPs are protesting against Government changes to benefits, the announcement of an increase to the living wage should be cause for celebration. …

As I Please

Published: November 6, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

So much for Theresa May’s acclaimed Downing Street  speech in July before she walked into No 10 as Prime Minister. The address to the nation didn’t get off to an …