- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 8525
Sony Computer Entertainment Logo (from PS One)
Sony Computer Entertainment / PlayStation 2 - Intro
Sony Computer Entertainment / PlayStation 2 - Intro V2
Sony Computer Entertainment/PlayStation
Stupid Logo Messups #45 Sony Computer Entertainment Logo
Sony Computer Entertainment - Evolução de Startups do Console (1994 - 2016)
Sony Computer Entertainment / Insomniac Games
Sony Computer Entertainment America/Naughty Dog (1999)
Sony Computer Entertainment/PlayStation (1994) Remake
Sony Computer Entertainment Logo (their logo).
Sony Computer Entertainment / PlayStation 2 - Intro
Quem não se lembra destas imagens e som? Bons tempos!! ************* Qualquer sugestão/crítica, já sabem, basta deixar um comentário. Ajudem-me, deixando o vosso LIKE, FAVORITO ou SUBSCREVENDO o canal (ou os 3)! E sigam nas restantes redes sociais... facebook » http://facebook.com/PaulinhOYouTube twitter » https://twitter.com/paulopinto1991 Skype » paulopinto1991 E se não quiserem perder nenhum vídeo novo, têm aqui uma aplicação para serem os primeiros a vê-lo » http://myapp.wips.com/paulinho Obrigado a todos pelo suporte e até ao próximo vídeo!
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Coletânea de Startups do Console Americano PlayStation de 4 consoles tipos 1, 2, 3 e 4, que vem mudando por tantos anos. Créditos: 1994 - 2005 (PS1/PSX): maxeell 2000 - 2013 (PS2): Red663Bull 2006 - 2009 (PS3 Versão 1): ScienceOfThePS3 2009 - Atual (PS3 Versão 2): GabberGames 2013 - Atual (PS4): Video Production™ (C) 1994 - 2016 SONY LTDA.
Taken from the 2016 Ratchet & Clank game.
The content shown in this video is not owned by us. All rights goes to the original owners of the content shown in this video. This is being uploaded for preservation and entertainment purposes only. From Crash Team Racing. This was the last Crash game to be developed by Naughty Dog. Subscribe to the main channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/Pepsi9072?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to my alternate account https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcv9AFvyoppEx4uAmNjonNA Add me on G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/109038397325790461536/posts And add me on Skype Skype Name: Pepsi9072
Redone in Blender and Sony Vegas. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo was recreated in Blender entirely, but the PlayStation symbol was recreated in Blender. The wordmark and the text were done in Sony Vegas.
https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/ Watch Part 1 of this 3 part video series that will take you all the way from PS VR set up, to play. For more information, visit https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/tips/ “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Greatness Awaits is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Images reformatted for non-virtual reality display.Images reformatted for non-virtual reality display. PlayStation®VR is not for use by children under age 12. PlayStation®4 system, PlayStation®VR and PlayStation®Camera are required to experience VR functionality
You will meet again with the most famous superhero in Spider-Man PS4 (working title), in which the acrobatic abilities of improvisation, letting off the cobwebs from his hands and climbing the walls added a lot of new elements that have never appeared in the games of spider-Man. Parkour, interaction with the environment, new combat techniques and cinematic moments – this spider-Man you haven't seen. Marvel studios and Insomniac Games have teamed up to create a new authentic story about spider-Man. This is not the spider-Man, whom you met in other games and movies. This is Peter Parker, a much more Mature and reformed in the fight against crime in new York. At the same time, he was struggling to find a balance between chaotic personal life and career, when on his shoulders lie the fate of n...
Taken from the award-winning PlayStation 3 game, LittleBigPlanet.
Taken from Gravity Rush Remastered for the second time or older.
Taken from Gravity Rush Remastered for the first time.
El telón caerá después de que Kutaro obtuvo el escudo de uno de los cuatro caballeros de la diosa lunar. Para acabar con la tiranía del Rey Oso Lunar. Kutaro debe rescatar a la princesa Pikorina. Y enfrentar al temido General Tigre. ¿Lo logrará? Averigüenlo en este episodio.
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars Review about Sony Computer Entertainment HDMI Cable - Playstation 3 Date: 12.08.2016
[Recorded: April 10, 2014] Shuhei Yoshida is President of Worldwide Studios at Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE). He has been with SCE since its inception and has been an integral part of the development of the PlayStation® family. Yoshida has overseen several successful product launches and was responsible for creating SCE's internal product development team. He was an executive producer for Gran Turismo™, and produced ICO, Ape Escape™, and The Legend of Dragoon®, among other popular titles. In March 2000, Yoshida moved to the US to oversee product development at Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA). In May 2008, Yoshida was appointed President of Worldwide Studios and is responsible for all first-party game software development activities for PlayStation® platforms, includin...
[Recorded: April 10, 2014] Shuhei Yoshida is President of Worldwide Studios at Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE). He has been with SCE since its inception and has been an integral part of the development of the PlayStation® family. Yoshida has overseen several successful product launches and was responsible for creating SCE's internal product development team. He was an executive producer for Gran Turismo™, and produced ICO, Ape Escape™, and The Legend of Dragoon®, among other popular titles. In March 2000, Yoshida moved to the US to oversee product development at Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA). In May 2008, Yoshida was appointed President of Worldwide Studios and is responsible for all first-party game software development activities for PlayStation® platforms, includin...
Sony Computer Entertainment's Shahid Ahmad presents a look at some of the indie games heading to PlayStation. (Unfortunately the previously announced DriveClub session has been cancelled as the speaker is unwell.) -- The EGX developer sessions recreate the behind-closed-doors intimacy of a private industry presentation for hundreds of gamers to experience in person. http://www.eurogamerexpo.com/whats-on/schedule Each speaker will present new information on their project and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session. http://www.eurogamerexpo.com
This presentation was delivered at the 26th annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference (9-11 February 2015) held in San Francisco, USA. ***Please note the important information below the description, which provides information on how to use one of a few special methods to view the presentation in glorious 3D. More presentation videos are available at: http://www.stereoscopic.org/2015/program.html A Stereoscope for the PlayStation Generation [9391-50] Ian Bickerstaff, Sony Computer Entertainment (United Kingdom) Ian Bickerstaff from Sony Computer Entertainment gave this wonderful presentation, which discussed some of the interesting technology challenges of presenting stereoscopic 3D images in a head-mounted display in anticipation of the upcoming release of the Sony Pro...
La Playstation 3, la PSP et la NGP à l'honneur, dans ce nouveau numéro de GÉNÉRATION TEKNOLOGIK, l'émission bi-mensuelle (1 mercredi sur 2) présentée par Pierrick FAY et Benjamin VINCENT, les deux créateurs de TEKNOLOGIK.fr. Invité d'honneur, cette semaine : Georges Fornay, le Vice-Président de Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, par ailleurs Président de Sony Computer Entertainment France. Egalement avec nous : Yazid Amer, le Rédacteur-en-Chef du magazine Stuff pour un panorama de toutes les solutions pour jouer en 3D (consoles portables de salon, consoles portables et PC).
The links I promised. http://www.reddit.com/r/vita/comments/27tevq/if_youre_upset_about_e3_so_far_please_say/ http://www.reddit.com/r/vita/comments/27t9dp/ff_type0_hd_is_not_coming_to_vita_blog_posts_were/ http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/06/10/final-fantasy-type-0-hd-coming-to-ps4/ (check past the first few pages of comments) http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/06/09/round-up-playstation-e3-2014-press-conference/ (mixed response) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=835043 (again check past the first few pages) The GamaSutra link I quoted: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/219084/The_Vita_is_now_an_extender_as_Sony_focuses_on_its_network.php Here's some places to tweet this video: https://twitter.com/giocorsi https://twitter.com/amboyes https://twitter.com/yosp https://tw...
This is actually the first game I ever purchased for the PS3 when I had gotten the console. A solid God of War type platformer (though a little less gratuitous in violence and sexual content... sacred genitals speech aside...). Still a fun game and with a decent story (though perhaps it could have been fleshed out a little more, that's hard to do in an action game). Thank you Sony for generously offering these videos to the media on your press site for rebroadcast purposes. Heavenly Sword is a video game developed by Ninja Theory exclusively for the PlayStation 3 console and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. The game was released on September 12, 2007 in North America and Japan; September 14, 2007 in the United Kingdom and Ireland; September 20, 2007 in Australia, New Zeal...
Ray Maguire, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK describes his organisation's approach to the UK education sector calling for a co-ordinated initiative between education and industry supported by government to encourage the development of relevant skills amongst learners wishing to join the creative and digital media industries. Presented January 11th 2011
Daniel Rodriguez appeals the dismissal of his action under the Video Privacy Protection Act against Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.
Galera está ai a terceira aventura de nosso amigo Bandicoot vamos o ajudar a resolver a mais este quebra cabeça agora novos perigos o perseguem mas com o apoio de vocês tudo ficará mais fácil. Galera a DjMagnoGamesRetrô só tem agradecer um forte abraço e até a próxima