- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 4268
Road to Bali is a 1952 American comedy film directed by Hal Walker and starring Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. Released by Paramount Pictures on November 1, 1952, the film is the sixth of the seven Road to … movies. It was the only such movie filmed in Technicolor and was the first to feature surprise cameo appearances from other well-known stars of the day.
George (Bing Crosby) and Harold (Bob Hope), American song-and-dance men performing in Melbourne, Australia, leave in a hurry to avoid various marriage proposals. They end up in Darwin, where they take jobs as pearl divers for a prince. They are taken by boat to an idyllic island on the way to Bali, Indonesia. They vie for the favours of exotic (and half-Scottish) Princess Lala (Dorothy Lamour), a cousin of the Prince (Murvyn Vye). A hazardous dive produces a chest of priceless jewels, which the Prince plans to claim as his own.
After escaping from the Prince and his henchmen, the three are shipwrecked and washed up on another island. Lala is now in love with both of the boys and can't decide which to choose. However, once the natives find them, she learns that in their society, a woman may take multiple husbands, and declares she will marry them both. While the boys are prepared for the ceremony, both thinking the other man lost, plans are changed. She's being unwillingly wed to the already much-married King (Leon Askin), while the boys end up married to each other.
Road To Bali (1952)
Дорога на Бали / Road to Bali 1952
1952 - Road to Bali - BING CROSBY & BOB HOPE - Hal Walker | FULL MOVIE
Camino a Bali (1952) Road to Bali [HD 720p]
Road to Bali - "Hoot Mon!" with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
Road to Bali (1952)
Bob Hope 1952 Road to Bali
The Road To Bali - Chicago Style
Road to Bali 1952 Carolyn Jones Clip
Road to Bali (1952) Movie Review
In this musical, Harold (Bob Hope) and George (Bing Crosby) are two vaudeville performers in Australia. After they realize their local gal pals intend to marry them, they sign up for a diving expedition led by the local island prince, Ken Arok (Murvyn Vye). They soon meet the prince's sister, Lalah (Dorothy Lamour), who rules a beautiful island. When their dive uncovers a jewel-filled chest, Ken tries to steal both the treasure and Lalah's throne, and the trio is forced into hiding.
The sixth of the seven Road to ... movies, which include Singapore, Zanzibar, Morocco, Utopia, Rio, and Hong Kong. Cameo appearances by Humphrey Bogart, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, and Jane Russell. This was the only Road picture of the seven to be photographed in Technicolor. Bing Crosby makes reference to the Pittsburgh Pirates, which he was a minority owner of, and also mentions the Cleveland Indians. Peggy Lee recorded the vocals for the soundtrack. It was parodied in 1953 in the animated short Alley to Bali, with Woody Woodpecker and Buzz Buzzard in the Hope and Crosby roles. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045094 CHANGE BEFORE GOING PRODUCTIONS: http://www.cbgp.com http://www.facebook.com/changebeforegoingproductions http://www.twitter.com/cbgproductions http://www.gplus.to/changeb...
En su carrera para escapar de sendas bodas impuestas, dos bailarines y cantantes, interpretados por Bing Crosby y Bob Hope, llegan al Pacífico Sur para luchar por el amor y la fortuna de una princesa de la isla, Lala (Dorothy Lamour). Mientras se pelean por conseguirla, deben hacer frente a todo tipo de peligros de la jungla. La atribulada pareja de amigos se convierte en pareja de enemigos, al luchar no sólo para salvar sus vidas sino también por conseguir la mano de Lala.
Road to Bali - "Hoot Mon!" with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour in the only color Road picture, this time in the South Seas.
George (Bing Crosby) and Harold (Bob Hope), American song-and-dance men performing in Melbourne, Australia, leave in a hurry to avoid various marriage proposals. They end up in Darwin, where they take jobs as pearl divers for a prince. They are taken by boat to an idyllic island on the way to Bali, Indonesia. They vie for the favours of exotic (and half-Scottish) Princess Lala (Dorothy Lamour), a cousin of the Prince (Murvyn Vye). A hazardous dive produces a chest of priceless jewels, which the Prince plans to claim as his own. After escaping from the Prince and his henchmen, the three are shipwrecked and washed up on another island. Lala is now in love with both of the boys and can't decide which to choose. However, once the natives find them, she learns that in their society, a woman ma...
my review of Road to Bali Picture by: Earl Barrett Holloway http://inksoverpencils.tumblr.com/ music by myself Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/JimmFORCE Tumblr: http://jimforce.tumblr.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/gPiCzGu6HU/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JimGisriel?ty=c Patrons: HarlyQuinn97: http://harleyquinn-97.tumblr.com/ Menachem Tzvi Perlow: https://www.facebook.com/MTPs-Film-Reviews-736746999800857/timeline Apple Fitzgerald http://applefitzgerald.tumblr.com/ Morning Doughnut: http://midnight-doughnut.tumblr.com Wyatt Gustiln : wgustlin.tumblr.com Angus Calver: https://twitter.com/AngusCalver?lang=en CineRam: https://www.youtube.com/user/CineRam Maxwell Stone: https://www.youtube.com/user/Coswagrigus Paleosteno: https://www.youtube.com/user/paleovlogs#...
In this musical, Harold (Bob Hope) and George (Bing Crosby) are two vaudeville performers in Australia. After they realize their local gal pals intend to marry them, they sign up for a diving expedition led by the local island prince, Ken Arok (Murvyn Vye). They soon meet the prince's sister, Lalah (Dorothy Lamour), who rules a beautiful island. When their dive uncovers a jewel-filled chest, Ken tries to steal both the treasure and Lalah's throne, and the trio is forced into hiding.
The sixth of the seven Road to ... movies, which include Singapore, Zanzibar, Morocco, Utopia, Rio, and Hong Kong. Cameo appearances by Humphrey Bogart, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, and Jane Russell. This was the only Road picture of the seven to be photographed in Technicolor. Bing Crosby makes reference to the Pittsburgh Pirates, which he was a minority owner of, and also mentions the Cleveland Indians. Peggy Lee recorded the vocals for the soundtrack. It was parodied in 1953 in the animated short Alley to Bali, with Woody Woodpecker and Buzz Buzzard in the Hope and Crosby roles. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045094 CHANGE BEFORE GOING PRODUCTIONS: http://www.cbgp.com http://www.facebook.com/changebeforegoingproductions http://www.twitter.com/cbgproductions http://www.gplus.to/changeb...
Road to Bali - "Hoot Mon!" with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby.
En su carrera para escapar de sendas bodas impuestas, dos bailarines y cantantes, interpretados por Bing Crosby y Bob Hope, llegan al Pacífico Sur para luchar por el amor y la fortuna de una princesa de la isla, Lala (Dorothy Lamour). Mientras se pelean por conseguirla, deben hacer frente a todo tipo de peligros de la jungla. La atribulada pareja de amigos se convierte en pareja de enemigos, al luchar no sólo para salvar sus vidas sino también por conseguir la mano de Lala.
http://www.filmlounge.com/film-details/road-to-bali This Sixth entry in the Crosby-Hope-Lamour Road Series was the first and last in Technicolour. This time, Bing Crosby and Bob Hope play George Cochran and Harold Gridley, American vaudevillians stranded in Australia. FilmLounge.com, the movie streaming website, features independent films to watch online or download for PS3, PSP, iPhone or PC. View the best collection of international movies fast and easily via live stream or download in quality up to Full HD 720 on internet enabled devices such as PS3, PSP, iPhone or PC.
A documentary about schizophrenia and overcoming mental illness through love, medication, and travel, specifically to Bali, Indonesia.
PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I am currently prepping for INBA Bali Paradise Show where I will be making my INBA Pro Debut. Follow my journey while I get ready to present my best package to date! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— For online coaching including meal plans, weights and training programs tailored to suit the individual! Email: ebonyreynoldsfitness@gmail.com Visit: www.ebonyreynoldsfitness.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INBA Pro Bikini Model Victoriabelle Sponsored Athlete 2016 INBA Southern Cross Titles Bikini Pro Qualifier 1st Place 2016 INBA NSW Regional Titles Novice and Open Bikini 1st Place 2016 INBA Rookie of ...
Road Trip Cibinong to Bali ini adalah sebuah Dokumentasi Perjalanan liburan lebaran 2016 dari Cibinong Bogor ke Bali, dengan menggunakan Mobil, yang ditempuh dengan waktu kurang lebih 36 sampai 40 jam nonstop tanpa instirahat. tujuan Kami unggah Video ini selain untuk keperluan Dokumentasi Pribadi/Keluarga, tapi kami juga bertujuan untuk mencoba membagikan pengalaman dan informasi seputar perjalanan keluar kota kami yang cukup jauh dan Panjang. semoga Konten ini bisa menghibur dan menjadi referensi untuk Anda, bagi yang ingin mencoba Perjalanan jarak jauh keluar Kota dengan menggunakan kendaraan Mobil. Terimakasih. anom.sukarno@gmail.com
Our travel video from Bali Island, Indonesia. Songs: Kungs - This Girl feat. Cookin on three burners Dj Snake - Middle feat. Bipolar Sunshine
Road to Bali (1952)☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 📽 #Road to Bali (1952) + [http://smarturl.it/80lu-3ls4] (^_^) #Road to Bali (1952)
America's traitors are marching down our streets
Motivated by their lies, greed and deceit
Rebel flag's been torn to the ground
It's time for all-out justice to be found
It's time to put an end to this trash
Stick their red flags up their ass
There will be no slap on the wrist
We're gonna come down with our Nordic Fist
It's time to take a stand - Red, White & Blue!
Our future's in our land - Red, White & Blue!
We'll stamp them into the ground - Red, White & Blue!
Our loyalty's in our flag - Red, White & Blue!
America's traitors are marching down our streets
Motivated by their lies, greed and deceit
Rebel flag's been torn to the ground
It's time for all-out justice to be found
It's time to put an end to this trash
Stick their red flags up their ass
There will be no slap on the wrist
We're gonna come down with our Nordic Fist
It's time to take a stand - Red, White & Blue!
Our future's in our land - Red, White & Blue!
We'll stamp them into the ground - Red, White & Blue!