Federal Politics

Fergus Hunter

Fergus Hunter is a breaking news reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House

Bronwyn Bishop delivered her farewell speech to Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 4 May 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Bishop fires final shot at Abbott

Bronwyn Bishop has formally farewelled Parliament and fired a warning shot at former prime minister Tony Abbott over his role in her demise.

Former veterans' affairs minister Stuart Robert has apologised for his Anzac Day tweet on negative gearing.

'Distasteful': Sacked minister slammed for Anzac Day tweet

A bout of partisanship has tainted Anzac Day after sacked Turnbull minister Stuart Robert seemingly linked the negative gearing tax write-off to the commemoration, prompting Labor to accuse him of playing politics with military sacrifice.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Turnbull warning over 'unwise' Channel Nine

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has suggested that Channel Nine's alleged six-figure payment to free their crew from a Lebanese prison may be examined by Australian authorities. 


Labor's looming threat from young people, in one chart

Buried in the rich data of Sunday's Fairfax-Ipsos poll was a potentially disturbing number for Labor Party apparatchiks. The Greens, the left-wing party a little over two decades old, has garnered a record high primary vote of 32 per cent among 18-24 year olds.

Senator Ricky Muir faces a fight to win back his seat.

Shotgun-toting Ricky Muir enters ban debate

Motoring Enthusiast senator Ricky Muir has revealed himself to also be a firearm enthusiast after posting a video in which he fires a controversial shotgun that is facing a ban.