CBCOvjeren akaunt


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Pridružio/la se kolovoz 2008.

@CBC je blokiran/a

Jeste li sigurni da želite vidjeti te tweetove? Time nećete deblokirati korisnika @CBC.

  1. Prikvačeni tweet

    The holiday season is here! Check out the schedule:

  2. We opened a mystery box that arrived in the CBC mailroom. Want to see what's inside?

  3. BREAKING: George Michael dead at 53: reports

  4. Happy holidays Canada! Follow the link to see our holiday lineup:

  5. This Iqaluit artist is using her body to pull stereotypes apart:

    , , and 4 others
  6. Meet the designer pushing the boundaries of Indian wedding couture:

  7. Make your kids smile with Santa Pancakes!

  8. Merry Christmas, Canada!

  9. A young couple in love want to buy each other the perfect present. But soon learn the best gift can't be purchased:

  10. And you thought the was strange... Catch fri dec 30 8pm on

  11. Check out these holiday-themed town names from across Canada. Can you think of any others?

  12. See if Ralphie can get that Red Ryder air rifle he wants! A Christmas Story, tonight at 8:00/8:30NT.

  13. When your boss asks if you can come in over the holidays.

  14. Getting sick on vacation is the worst. 10 tips for staying healthy on a plane:

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