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RatbagMedia Videoblogging"RatbagMedia Videoblogging" - 5 new articles

  1. Start Here End There
  2. Ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald comes ashore
  3. Yummy
  4. Going Out With a Bang
  5. The Bells: lifting kettlebells and dumbbells
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Start Here End There

Stop Motion Animation. Ridiculous stuff.But plenty of stop and go with a beginning and an end. (The end happens soon enough).

Ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald comes ashore






Going Out With a Bang

My first stop motion animation.


The Bells: lifting kettlebells and dumbbells

This is what I do when I'm not doing HillFit. I use the same principles and try to follow the same physiological logic in order to be true to High Intensity interval Training approach. Obviously my form could do with some overhaul, but then practice rules, even for non-jocks like me, right?


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